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September 11 Email: Body

From: David Simon Bendory (
Subject: No words to describe
Newsgroups: soc.genealogy.jewish
Date: 2001-09-11 21:06:29 PST

I work across the street from the World Trade Center in One Liberty Plaza. My office windows were blown in by the blast when the southern tower collapsed. Thank God I was already on my way home.

Thank God I made it home safely today, without a scratch. I will be bensching gomel in shul on Thursday.

Locked in my desk sits my great-grandmother's siddur, published in Vienna in 1878. I had an appointment to meet with a book conservator tomorrow to have it properly preserved. Inside the cover, my GGM, then my GM, listed the births, marriages, and deaths in our family from the
death of my GGGM and GGGF in 1893 through the marriage of Uncle Charlie in 1932. The text is below.

This siddur survived pogroms in Hungary, the journey to America, and 3 generations. I won't know if it survived today's tragedy until I can get back into my office, and I don't know when that will be. Thank God I have a scan of the writing inside the cover.

My unforgettable blessed late Mother died on May 4, 1895.
Father - January 3.
My unforgettable blessed Mother died on May 16, 1893.
My unforgettable blessed Father died on July 18, 1893.
Married on August 17, 1901.
My dear daughter Fanni was born on May 2, 1902.
My dear Filip was born on January 2, 1905.
My dear Karl Moritz was born on February 9, 1906.
My dear daughter Teresine was born on March 3, 1908. Harrison
My dear daughter Rose was born on August 7, 1910. Harrison
My dear son Leopold was born on March 9, 1914.
My dear daughter Bertha was born on September 7.
Fanny got married on August 21, 1926.
Katherin was born on June 6, 1927.
Elaine was born on November 11, 1930.
My dear husband died on December 28, 1931.
Tessi got married on April 30, 1932.
Cha... got married on June 12, 1932.

Please say a prayer for peace.

David Simon Bendory
Livingston, NJ
Looking for Hungarian KOHN, POPPER, BRAUCH, HECHT in Resita, Timisoara, Anina
Looking for Romanian SCHWARTZ or SIEGAL, VACSMAN in Botosani or Braila, Romania
Looking for Romanian HARR near Bucharest, Romania
Looking for SIMON and GOETZ from Germany

September 11 Email: Date


September 11 Email: Subject

No words to describe


“email1018.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 8, 2024,