September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

I am sending this cause many people not here say they feel connected yet
disconnected from what is going on. we are trying to help people know what we
are feeling here.

Good morning.

It's about 8 a.m. here in NYC. Thought I'd give you an update on how things

Honestly, right now, it's just eerily quiet. Normally by this time, there's a
hustle and bustle of people heading to work, walking their dogs, kids going
to school, etc. Instead, there's just silence. Every once in a while, the
silence is broken by a military plane or helicopter flying overhead.

I have yet to work up the courage to walk the one block to the river and see
what's left of lower Manhattan, now that the smoke has cleared. I'm finally
able to re-open my windows this morning, and let some fresh air in. Last
night, at times, the smoke was unbearable and our apartment stank.

Yesterday afternoon, I walked 5 blocks to my local bloodbank to offer my O-
blood. As I headed over there, the wind was blowing the smoke over my
neighborhood, and with it were the thousands of pieces of paper that had been
floating with the smoke all day. It was such an odd and strangely beautiful
sight. The papers were flickering and sparkling in the late afternoon sun. I
could only imagine that each one might represent the soul of somebody lost in
the destruction on his or her way up to heaven. As I walked a little
further, some of the papers were fluttering towards the ground. One landed
near me, and a woman went over to pick it up. I could see that it was a page
from an annual report, or some similar financial document. Pristine and
white, save for one charred edge. Such an important document to somebody, 24
hours ago, now just a useless piece of paper, signifying nothing.

The sense of unrest and unprotectedness is strong. All evening long, we
jumped at every bump and noise, afraid we were once again hearing the sound
of airplanes hitting buildings, or buildings collapsing. My ears strain to
hear every airplane overhead, even though I know that they can only be "our
guys" right now.

As I embark on a walk to the river, I pray for what I will see, and pray that
I will see some navy ships in the harbor, a visible symbol that we are,
perhaps, protected from any more destruction any time soon.

As for yesterday, at this point, it¹s just an unreal dream. The last 24
hours feel like a lifetime. I wouldn¹t be surprised to see a few gray hairs
on my head. Seeing one of those towers collapse was an image I will never,
ever forget in all my life. The sheer senselessness of it all. The sheer
cowardice, too. People who destroy, without even standing up to fight like
men and take credit for their actions. Give us a real enemy, and we will
fight. Give us a nameless, faceless enemy, and we¹re powerless.

Let us all pray ­ for those who are still trapped in the wreckage ­ for
those who have perished ­ for those who have lost friends & loved ones ­ and
for the safety and security of all our people.

September 11 Email: Date

Thu, 13 Sep 2001 00:09:54 EDT

September 11 Email: Subject

Disconnected feeling


“email537.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 5, 2024,