This is a picture of the Pentagon around noon on September 11, 2001, from a hill right outside my condominium building, which is about 3/4 mile from the Pentagon. I used a 500 mm lens. My office at the time was down the street, even closer to the Pentagon, when the plane hit. We heard jet engines, and then an explosion. Then came the fire engines. We saw people outside looking up. We went outside, and there was a huge cloud of roiling black smoke coming up from the direction of the Pentagon. (The view of the actual Pentagon building is blocked from that location by an elevated highway) debris was falling from the sky (perhaps it was blasted upwards in the explosion and was on its way down). Women were crying and screaming. The husband of a woman who worked in my office worked in the Pentagon and she was hysterical (he was not injured). We were told to evacuate away from the direction of the Pentagon and to hide our government badges. I walked to my car. Normally a five-minute drive, it took twenty-five. It was a scary, dream-like experience.
Media Type
still image
Original Name
Pentagon Sept. 11, 2001 (01N1014).jpg
Date Entered
“1385.pjpeg,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025, https://911digitalarchive.org/items/show/36140.