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September 11 Email: Body

Saturday, March 16, 2002 9:34 PM

I find it outrageous that everyone else seems to be getting benefits as the result of 9/11 including illegal aliens etc except gay people who were in committed relationships.

I wish to remind you that if a number of gay people ( . aboard the crash flight in Pennsylvannia) had not taken action you and many in Washington as well as President Bush and most of Congress would be dead and I would not have to be writing this to you. But when it comes to gay and lesbian heroes of the day -
who helped bring down the flight in Pennsylvania, NY Fire
who died in the line of
duty when the first tower fell, and who was
that crashed into the Pentagon (there
are many more) - we are told the law is the law and no
exceptions can be made. This is simply outrageous because these same people would have been married had the bigots like Jesse Helms had not prevented them from doing so.

Even fetuses and illegal aliens will be receiving benefits
under current plans and you have even promised to overlook
federal law and NOT arrest and kick out the families of
illegal aliens, nor will they punish American companies that
hired illegals in violation of federal labor laws. Why not the commited parties and children (adopted and otherwise) of the deceased not getting the benefits to which they are not only entitled but entitled under the equal rights amendment and the United nations Treaty of Human Rights.

I find it outrageous that you wish to discriminate against Gay people who were in a committed relationship. This is Unamerican and the stuff of bigotry. I find it outrageous that the very people who you are discriminating against as I write are not allowed to marry except in the State of Vermont and then you do not wish to recognize such relationships and had they been allowed then they would have the same rights as they should anyway as heterosexual couples..

Even fetuses and illegal aliens are receiving benefits
under the present program; you have even promised to overlook
federal law and NOT arrest and kick out the families of
illegal aliens, nor will they punish American companies that
hired illegals in violation of federal labor laws. now if you can overlook the Federal Law shurely then you could grant benefits to the partners of the deceased.

Hyphens seem not to matter when YOU the government wants to
use our heroism to inspire others, but when it comes time to
actually aid the families of those heroes, the hyphens come
back with a vengeance, and it seems that some American heroes
are now more equal than others.

It does not make you look good and certainly reflect badly on the United States. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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September 11 Email: Date



“dojR001252.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 1, 2024,