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September 11 Email: Body

Monday, March 18, 2002 1:31 AM
9/11 Fund Discriminates against U.S. Citizens (Gays and

The lack of recognition for compensation of US gay and lesbian citizens'
partners (And I presume any children that are part of the family, but may
only be legally listed as related to the surviving partner) by the 9/11 Fund
is open discrimination. There is no excuse acceptable for this bigoted,
hateful action. The government cannot use the law to give illegal citizens,
who are not US citizens, compensation and at the same time use the law to
deny and discriminate against gay and lesbian partners who have lost their
"life" partners. The government denies the right of gays and lesbians to be
recognized in society as a "couple" with all rights, protections and
privileges that married couples enjoy. Hence you have classified all gays and
lesbians (US Citizens) as second class citizens not entitled to protections
and rights. This is total discrimination in a country that touts equal civil
rights, protection and freedom for all. Why would the government be sued for
compensating the partners of gay and lesbian US citizens, but not for
compensating illegal aliens families? This is blatant discriminatory use of
the law. One group is clearly US citizens and the other is not. This
discrimination by the Federal Government is inexcusable. It's disgusting
that the Federal Government has found a way to openly discriminate against
gays and lesbians. I thought I was donating money to an organization that
would help all US citizens who lost loved ones, including gays/lesbians, and
their children. I do not contribute to any group that discriminates against
any group, and I want my donation returned to me. I will encourage all
people who donated money to this fund to demand it back. There is no
acceptable excuse not to compensate partners of gays and lesbians who lost
their life on 9/11, along with many other US Citizens.

Individual Comment
Lytle Creek, CA

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR001594.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 20, 2024,