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September 11 Email: Body

Saturday, March 16, 2002 2:28 PM
American Heroes

I sent the following to the President of the United States, and to your "benefits"(?) email address. I forward it to the "comments" address here:


come in many forms. You know this, President Bush. That's only one of MANY reasons why we put our trust in you. And thank you for your Gibraltarian leadership especially in these trying times. We are praying for you, sir!

AG John Ashcroft, one of your "right hands", is, I'm sure, a valuable asset to you and us in the United States; I trust your judgement there. I, as one American, have seen him in action in the wake of 911, and I applaud him and stand behind him. We are praying for him, you and all of our great leaders!

But AG Ashcroft, like our President here at Texas A&M, is also a fighter in fights that make being a human being truly tiring (life is too short for constant fighting like this!). Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, and Transgendereds are human just like any other human. They are "strange" in their sexual orientation perhaps, but they are born every day, like me and my friend and wife, , who are nonmaternal, nonpaternal, and so "childfree". There are ALL KINDS of humans - - Americans. Each and EVERY ONE of them can be - - and are - - heroes. who was eulogized by Senator McCain on September 22, 2001 was one. He was also gay.

You understand my (our) concern (with do respect sir I must say it is ALL I CAN DO to remain composed in this email!) then when I (we) heard the following remarks by Kenneth Feinberg on "Meet the Press" yesterday (Mr. Feinberg's remarks really reminded me, in fact, of President Ray Bowen's similar remarks a year ago here at Texas A&M University!):

"[Gays and lesbians are] left out of my program to the extent
that their own state doesn't include them. I cannot get into
a position in this program, which has a one-and-a-half or
two-year life start second-guessing what the state of New
York or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or the state of
Virginia or New Jersey, how they treat same-sex partners,
domestic live-ins, etc. I simply say this: What does your
state law say about who is eligible? If your state law makes
you eligible, I will honor state law. If it doesn't, I go
with the state. Otherwise, Tim, I would find myself getting
sued in every state by people claiming that I'm not following
how the state distributes money. I can't get into that local
battle. I've got to rely on state law."

President Bush, this is a copout statement on TV just as much as it is a copout on the campus of Texas A&M University! And it has as much dignity! ALL of the American Heroes of 911 AND their families (of EVERY "shape and size") deserve the support of the American people, and the 911 fund! Please, I beg you, help us stop this ridiculous fighting! It is very tiring! And don't worry about the lawsuits. The greatest, most overshadowing, influential, ripe-with-meaning "law" in our country reads as follows: "We hold these truths to be self-evident . . .". Well, you know the rest, sir. I do too.

Thanks for your ear, Mr. President!

With all of my heart,

Individual Comment

P.S. Your simpy GREAT mother and father are very dear to us on campus here! We are blessed to have them!

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR000975.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 4, 2024,