September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Friday, February 01, 2002 3:44 AM
Please Explain to me..................

I am having a real hard time understanding the reasoning behind
$1.6 million pay outs to the families of 9/11. Why would it be
the airlines
fault? Didn't all the hijackers follow (at that time) all the
legal requirements? Why is the government held liable for the
deaths? Let me qualify that I have a great deal of emotional
identification for their losses on 9/11, but life is not a
guarantee certainty for any one. That's why there are certain
entities like Life Insurance, 401 Ks, Social Security, Pension's,
etc., to provide economic security for those left behind.

My story is not special nor do I wish it to be special. In the
summer of 1990, I recently moved to Phoenix, AZ and became a third
party contractor for IBM. I also was a member of the USAF
Reserves. As a trained medic in a ATH (Air Transport Hospital)
unit, located at Luke AFB, AZ.

The civilian job I held had great promise for a future with a
possible income in the 6-figures. All that changed on February 2,
1991 at 11:15am. As I stood on a street corner (had just come
from the base postal office), I was struck from behind by a
British Service vehicle. I was medically retired from the
military in June 1992 at 100%. Yes I receive a decent disability
income, but nowhere near the income I would be making today. No I
did not lose my life but I did lose my bread winner status. I
have suffered great emotional distress. Not only from the career
ending injury but from the process of gathering the help everyone
said I deserve.

So it is why I wonder "why is it again that these people are
entitled to $1.6 million?" It just makes me cry when I hear them
complain "it isn't nearly enough!"

Respectfully yours,
Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojP000319.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 20, 2024,