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September 11 Email: Body


Saturday, March 16, 2002

To: Kenneth L Zwick, Director
Office of Management Programs
Civil Division
U.S. Department of Justice
Main Building, Room 3140
950 pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20530

Kenneth L. Zwick:

1. In recent interviews, the head of September 11 Victim Compensation Fund, has made it quite clear that the partners of gay and lesbian heroes of September 11 will not necessarily receive the same benefits as the spouses of heterosexual victims of the horrible terror attacks.

2. Even fetuses and illegal aliens will be receiving benefits. They have even promised to overlook federal law and NOT arrest nor kick out the families of illegal aliens. They will they punish American companies that hired illegal in violation of federal labor laws.

3. However, gay and Lesbian heroes of the day, who helped bring down down the flight in Pennsylvania, who died in the line of duty when the first tower fell, and who was of the plane that crashed into and many others have been told the law is the law and no exceptions can be made.

4. As a proud American Citizen, and a Gay-American, I am outraged and disgusted with the actions of the Victim Compensation Fund! We pay our taxes, own homes, and are part of the American Dream. The days of backwards thinking bureaucracy is over and now is our time time to speak out of the injustices.

5. Has September 11 taught us anything? Our patriotism and love of country transcend our differences and should unite us all. We were told that September 11 was the day that "hyphenated Americans" were no more, and rather than being Italian-Americans, African Americans, or Gay-Americans, we were now simply Americans, all of us together as one American family. Apparently, that family has been divorced.

6. The hyphens do not seem to matter when our government wants to use our heroism to inspire others, but when it comes time to actually aid families of those heroes, the hyphens comeback with a vengeance, and it seems that some American heroes are now more equal than others.

7. Discrimination in any form is un-American and illegal.

8. I am outraged that gay and lesbian partners of those who died on September 11 are not
automatically receiving the same benefits as heterosexual spouses. It's unjust and unfair to all Americans when Discrimination is practiced.

9. Don't let their deaths of , , and all the others be in vain. We need to show the world that we are not afraid and that we honor all American Citizens and their families for all we do to keep this country strong.

10. Thank you for your time.

Very Respectfully

Individual Comment
Alton, Illinois

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR002712.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 20, 2024,