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September 11 Email: Body

Saturday, November 10, 2001 4:04 PM
(no subject)

I hope that the language in your regulations will clearly address the
following problems/questions.

My niece, was a flight attendant aboard . Her parents (legal heirs) are divorced and do not communicate.

1) 's mother was the sole beneficiary of her daughter's life insurance. Her father (my sister's ex-husband) who is an attorney/judge, has indicated that an offset in the amount of the life insurance will be deducted from the
claim settlement value with Victim Compensation Fund. This we all understand
BUT, he further states that the amount of the settlement will NOT be
distributed equally to my niece's two parents. My ex-brother-in-law is
looking to deduct from my sister's share of the settlement, the amount she
received in life insurance. I believe that the beneficiary of life
insurance is irrelevant and separate and apart from the a claim with the
Victim Compensation Fund and certainly hope that when the regulations are
available, the issues concerning distribution of funds are clearly addressed.

2) Information currently available indicates that the "personal
representative" of a deceased victim will file a single claim to the Victim
Compensation Fund. My adult niece, has 2 parents but they are divorced. Can
parents jointly be their daughter's "personal representatives" (plural)
filing one joint claim?

I hope that every consideration will be given to these concerns for my family
and for others in similarly awkward positions.

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojW000303.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 20, 2024,