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September 11 Email: Body

Saturday, March 16, 2002 4:33 PM

911 fund

I am so saddened by the decision to toss the loved ones lost at 911 in the
trash just because they are GAY. I understand that Only married people will
get money even if they are illegal aliens. Even unborn children will receive
compensation but Thanks to this Kangaroo Government we are in now all those
that lost there lives were for nothing only because of who they are. I
thought that the president select said after 911 that we were all now
Americans. I guess he forgot to say we are all Americans unless you are

Our country disgusts me. Canada wouldn't do this or England but just the
great White Christian run government of the good old USA. I fought in Viet
Nam. I put my life on the line for this country. Even though it was not our

gave his life to say the White House. He was GAY! He saved the
President of the United States. What a great thanks you have given the many
thousands of Gay People that have served this country in so many ways.

Don't tell me to leave the country if I don't like it. I would in a heart
beat but I can't because I have been LIVING with HIV for over 20 years.

I will never support Bush!

This is an outrage and anyone that is American should hang their heads in
shame. I am!

Individual Comment
USArmy retired

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR001091.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 4, 2024,