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September 11 Email: Body
Tuesday, November 06, 2001 7:15 AM
To Whom It May Concern:
First, in a nutshell the government let down the victims of the World Trade
Center disaster. I believe the government spends almost $30 billion a year
on the FBI and CIA combined and there is no doubt that those groups let these
people down by not doing their jobs correctly. Consequently, the government,
and that means us the people, owe those who were affected by the tragedy
compensation. Just as we require other government to compensate victims,
i.e. holocaust victims, we should expect the same from ourselves.
No money should be deducted from the funds awarded the families of the
victims. Furthermore, I know that I for one will never give a dime again to
any charity if this is done. I gave money for the victims regardless of
other monies they received and I would feel duped by my own government if
they dared to decide not to give the money I selflessly gave to help out the
What I gave and collected at my theatre in Naples, Florida, was intended to
go to all the victims not just some. I know that the amount I gave will not
go to all the victims but in my heart that is where I wanted it to go if the
amount could''ve been large
It was a symbolic gesture but one which I do not want my government to mess
around with. I think the government's lack of protection caused enough
tragedy for these families and the country in general without compounding it
with taking away from the victims moneies which individuals and organizations
gave to them with an open hand and open heart.
Individual Comment
September 11 Email: Date
“dojW000024.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 10, 2025,