September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Tuesday, March 12, 2002 1:50 PM

I find it extremely disappointing that this country was founded by people who fled religious persecution. The idea behind the United States was individual freedom and separation of Church and state to ensure that citizens would be able to choose.

Now, the United States is openly discriminating against gay Americans. Specifically in the distribution of the Sept. 11 victims funds. Religious bigots and ignorant people who think that they have the divine right to dictate how all people should live their lives have supported and enacted laws dictating how they believe all people should conduct their lives. They have enacted their own standers to dictate who we all should love and what our behavior in the bedroom should be.

I also find it extremely dangerous that our revered Attorney General, (and well known religious bigot) has very publicly chosen to dismiss certain laws in reference to distribution of the 911 Funds, but yet stands firm on the fact that gay Americans will be excluded under the guise that he is respecting states laws (and ignoring federal laws). This sounds like a very convenient way for him to justify his bigotry. This sounds very reminiscent of slavery and the Catholic Church stated unequivocally that black people do not have souls and therefore slavery is not a sin.

I can only hope that perhaps some day we will look back on this time period and the president of the United States will be making an apology, much like the one Bill Clinton made, but it will be to gay Americans for the blatantly abusive and discriminatory actions of the government at time when all Americans should be united.

John Ashcroft and his supporters should be ashamed and should be held accountable for their actions.

This is truly a sad, embarrassing, and regrettable day for the United States of America.

Individual Comment
Arlington, VA

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR000463.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 20, 2024,