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September 11 Email: Body
Mr. Kenneth L. Zwick, Director
Office of Management Programs
Civil Division
U.S. Department of Justice
Main Building, Room 3140
950 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20530
Dear Sir:
I am writing to you regarding the interim final rules of the September
11 victim compensation fund. Specifically, I would like to comment on
the area that relates to "Physical Harm". I worked in 2 world trade
center along with my Brother and Sister-in-law. We all worked for
. On September 11, I severely hurt my back
(2 herniated disks) and my neck running from tower 2 as the plane hit
the building. Needless to say I did not get home until late the evening,
only to learn that my Brother and Sister-in-law were missing. My next
day was spent working the telephones; calling various city agancies
looking for and . Sadly, they were both killed. For this reason, I did not see my physician until September 13. According to the interim rules of the fund, I would not qualify because I did not see a Doctor within 24 hours. I feel that this criteria is too restrictive and
unjust. I have never suffered any prior back or neck injuries and have
been out of work on Workmans Compensation since September 11. I
request that the Special Master, Mr. Feinberg, change this rule so that
honest injured victims like myself can use the September 11 victim
Compensation Fund. He should take into account victims specific
situations. I look forward to hearing from your office.
Individual Comment
Jackson, New Jersey
September 11 Email: Date
“dojW000795.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 9, 2025,