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September 11 Email: Body

Friday, December 21, 2001 3:01 PM
Comments Regarding the Victim Compensation Fund

To Whom it May Concern:

I would like to comment on my personal feelings in regard to the recently
publicized Victim Compensation Fund.

In general I am appalled that the Federal Government would provide any
compensation to these victims unless the United States government itself is
legally liable and directly responsible for their deaths or injuries.

I fail to see why the deaths of a group of people who are distinguished
merely by being at work in an attacked building merits such compensation.
The people who deserve compensation or reward are those who knowingly put
their lives at risk to aid those who were attacked.

Assuming that the families of these victims are somehow more worthy of
compensation than anyone else in the country who has had a family member
murdered, I fail to comprehend why those who had the foresight and personal
responsibility to provide life insurance for their families against such an
occurrence should be punished by not receiving an equivalent amount of
"compensation" as those who could not or would not be bothered to do so

The compensation that these families are receiving is our troops and
resources are being put into action to find and punish those who are
responsible for the deaths.

None of this should in any way diminish the extent of the outrage or sadness
for the acts which cost so many their lives. However, by paying off the
families, the United States government seems to be saying that they are
responsible somehow for the loss.


Individual Comment
Atlanta, GA

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN000545.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 4, 2024,