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September 11 Email: Body

Wednesday, November 28, 2001 3:35 PM
September 11 Victim Compensation Fund. ???


We have taken the time to write you to make sure that the fund includes among
relatives eligible for compensation those who lost their life partners or de
facto parents or children, regardless of sexual orientation or marital

The Gay, Lesbian, BI Trans community has been as devastated as every American
and peaceful world community member devoted to peace and against terrorism

People are people, Straight or gay. We love the same and are as devastated as
other Americans who have suffered as loss due to 9/11 WTC disaster. imagine
if you lost the person you love and share you life and finances directly as a
result of this vicious attack. Now imagine that YOU are not recognized no
matter how severe the loss or effect. What if YOU are losing your home and
other losses. Not very pleasant. Thus the need for inclusion in aid as YOU
would desire, no, REQUIRE in similar circumstances. You dont have to like nor
endorse the GLBT community to recognize and be compassionate in these times.

Perhaps we are even more devastated as we are not as 'protected' under most
laws so we must speak out and urge to be counted as anyone who suffered
direct loss. We have suffered financially as well. We ask not for 'special
rights' we ask to be included and counted as people with the 'same rights' as
others. Its that simple.

Thus we urge the Department of Justice to adopt rules that are inclusive of
gay, lesbian, bisexual, and Transgendered people and their families who
suffered from the

Thank you for your attention

Comment by:
Live Entertainment, and the employees of The Atlantic Entertainment Group
Atlantic City, NJ

September 11 Email: Date



“dojA000115.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 1, 2024,