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911DA Story: Story
I had breakfast with a client at Perkins and they had the TV on. A patron came over and asked us if we had seen what was happening in NYC. We said no, and when he told us the WTC had been hit, I thought it was a small plane who had trouble. I left Perkins and by the time I got to my office everyone ( my staff) was in my office and had the TV set on. IT wasn't 5 mn and the second plane hit. That is when I said this a a terroist attack. We spent the remainder of the day watching the TV and talking with each other about what has gone wrong with our country. We also called our collegues that work in midtown Manhatten to make sure they were okay.
I will never forget this day just as I can clearly remember the day JFK was killed and I was only in 2nd grade at the time.
Thanks for providing a place to write down our thoughts on this day. My prayers are with everyone who lost a friend, budsiness associate, or relative in this tragedy. A huge thank you to those in NYC who helped strangers in a time of need. It has been a wonderfull lesson to share with my children on what hate can do and how people will come together in times of turmoil to help one another out. WE must all be proud to be an American and stand up for our rights and the rights of others.
I will never forget this day just as I can clearly remember the day JFK was killed and I was only in 2nd grade at the time.
Thanks for providing a place to write down our thoughts on this day. My prayers are with everyone who lost a friend, budsiness associate, or relative in this tragedy. A huge thank you to those in NYC who helped strangers in a time of need. It has been a wonderfull lesson to share with my children on what hate can do and how people will come together in times of turmoil to help one another out. WE must all be proud to be an American and stand up for our rights and the rights of others.
“story1779.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,