September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

I came into class on Sept. 11 and took my seat in the back of the room still tired from the previous night's sleep. I took a hard spanish test and was in a pessimistic mood because I felt I did horrible on the test. What was about to happen just happend to be worse. Another teacher walked into my classroom with tears in her eyes and wispered something into my teachers ear. My teacher sat down and started to have tears in her eyes too. I had no idea what was going on. I thought someones dog died or something. Well my teacher tells everyone to remain calm and stay seated and puts on the television. My classroom goes silent and everyone stares at the TV in shock. I thought we were watching some old movie and was waiting for Bruce Willis to pop out somewhere. Then i heard the horror on the News ladies voice and sat there in awe. I couldn't believe my eyes. Everything was buring in tower 1. Then as we were watching tower 2 was struck and the class jumped. They swithced camera's and we saw the horrible mess of the Pentagon. My friend jumped up and asked to use his phone to call his mother to see if his father was alright. I wasn't really sure what to do so i tried to remain calm and help settle the situation. I knew my dad was at the pentagon but I had no idea where so i was going to wait to talk to my mother. They let us out after that class and I walked in a hurry to my brothers car and i waited for him there. We drove home to see my mom sititng on the front steps of my house waiting to hug us. We hugged and went in to see what else was going on. I didn't talk to my dad until six that night when he got home. My family sat down and had a long conversation about the day. It was a scary day for me, and for everyone.


“story7827.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,