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911DA Story: Story
On that fateful day that I will never forget as long as I live.I was serving jury duty for the first time and the judge had just given us a recess for about 15 mintues and we were in the break room and it seemed that the recess lasted forever, and finally the judge and the court stenorgafer came into the breakroom, and the judge look at us and told us about the world trade centers and the pentagon and the crash in Penn. and he said that they were dismissing us and for us to go home and pray for the victums and their families of this tradgedy. I left the court house and walk downtown to get a taxicab and when I got home I don't think that I remember how I did get here. I turned on the television and I sat down on my sofa and I watch as the first plane hit the south tower and then I watch the second plane hit the north tower and then a few minutes later I watch as both towers collasped. I could not beleive that this was happening in the United States of America, as my husband had served his counry for 20 years in the military first in VeitNam, then in Sardi Arabia, then the Red Sea and practically everywher else I thank the Lord above that he was no longer on active duty and then I thought of my oldest son who is in the Army and his a medic and where he might have to go and served his country, but as it turned out that never happened, because his company was not active duty. I still belevie in the United States of America and our goverment leaders and that in the end good will prevail over evil. And I beleive that the people who attacked us, are evil and that God will see to them in the end.When they have to stand before him and tell him their sins, then maybe they will be sorry then. I really hope so for them. Muriel E. Merrill
“story4754.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,