September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

it was just a day like any other started out with a cup of coffee and putting the tv i sat there the phone rang, someone must be calling to say happy birthday, it was a call from my cousin in florida...but instead of happy birthday she asked what was going on up here in the north in new york...words i wished i never heard....i changed the channel just as the second plane hit the second tower, a birthday present i didn't want.....all i could say was "my god those poor people"...thinking it was just an accident at first was bad enough but then learning the truth all i could think was who could be so heartless do something like this? i sat there watching all i could think about was about the people inside of those buildings...what were their last thoughts of knowing that they were trapped and how their families watched their love ones dying and not able to help them....i sat there watching those brave fire fighter, policemen and all the other people trying to help one another, i prayed that they would be able to get the people out safe and then the the buildings fell, a picture that i still can see clearly...the images of that day will live in my mind and the minds of millions of people thru out the one year later the phone rang, exactly at 9:11 am it was my daughter calling to say happy birthday, but it cann't be a happy one any more for me......for the nation and myself it was a dark day in history...GOD BLESS AMERICA and may all those who lost their lives on this day MAY THEY REST IN PEACE....let the families and friends of the victims find peace as the years go by....

peggy sherman
fall river, ma


“story3598.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,