September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

At around six I was awakened by my father. I sleepily wandered into the living room to see him staring at the TV. Although my father wasn't crying on the outside I knew he was on the inside because as I turned to view the TV I saw my first look t the smoking hulk of the towers. I couldn?t believe that someone, anyone would have a level of malice and be so uncontrolled to do such a thing. The second plane had not startled me because as I saw the first plane I knew this wasn't an accident. O how I would love to believe it was an accident but I knew better. My first emotion was on of the pain of those poor soles who would commit such a crime. All my father could do was watch as the towers crumbled and fell. It was like we cared not for those among the dead as fellow Americans, but as family. Brothers and sisters. Mothers and daughters. Fathers and sons. those who had in there last hour had the faith to join for one cause.
So, family, I implore you to not let their deaths be in vain.
isa f.


“story3660.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,