September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

I was going to school and i knew something wasn't right for some reason. My mom had left for work earlier that day, so i didn't get to say goodbye to her that morning.
I was in math class when all of a sudden, i hear a plane coming down. I saw the first plane hit, and i freaked. I ran out of the building which was about a block away from the WTC, and screamed when i saw the building burning. I cried, trying to look for my mother who happened to work on the 100 floor in WTC 2. I ran towards the buildings and all i saw was smoke. In my heart i knew something happened. police and firemen tried keeping me away from the buildings, but I didnt care, I wanted my mother. A young girl couln't was throwing up because of the ash and smoke, and she could barely breathe. I didn't know what to do so I rubbed ber back and gave her my light jacket i had to breathe into. I tried to help as much as i could. At that time the second plane hit, and i knew it right there and then. I ran towards the buildings again, but this time, I was standing right in front of them, and i lost it. All i wanted to know was if my mom was out of there, I turned around facing my back to the builings. I heard rumbling but kind of ignored it. I saw people running the other way. As i began to turn around, I saw something coming at me from up high. A man grabbed me and picked me up. All he said to me was "RUN"! If it wasn't for that man, I would have been killed. I want to thank him for saving my life. I don't know who you are or where you are, but thank you. sadly, my mother was in the building when the second plane hit. I never got to say goodbye. I miss her and love her so much. I just don't know why this happened and why it happened to good people. I live with this everyday of my life. My life is never going to be the same. I love you mom. In honor of Denise L. Benedetto and Chuck margiotta.


“story9142.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,