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911DA Story: Story
The other day, I was talking with an elderly woman who lives in the facility I work at. She was telling me of the day the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor; of the shock; of the President pounding his fist on his desk in anger! I was not born when Pearl Harbor was bombed. As a child, the stories of Pearl Harbor seemed so far removed from me; I did not feel threatened that this could ever happen to me or within MY lifetime. Growing up, I felt that the times of Intelligence and the Defense of the United States had improved so much over the years since Pearl Harbor, that this could never happen again. I also, as an American grew up to only fear the big powers-Russia or China... but never a small unknown country like Afghanistan... or an unknown man...
The day the planes hit the WTC and Pentagon, I was on the turnpike on my way to work. When, on the radio, I heard that the WTC was hit by a plane, I can clearly remember thinking it must be a terrorist; but just as suddenly I easily fell back into my false sense of safety... and thought.. it must have been an accident... It was not until I arrived at work did I learn of the second, third and fourth planes...
I tried to continue working... perhaps this was a defense mechanism to deny what was occurring. On a nine inch black and white TV in a laundry room with a hanger for an antenna, I saw the first tower fall. And suddenly, there was no hiding.
I left work. I had this strong need to be home. To get my son who was in school in Philadelphia; to collect my children and go home... as if home was a safe place...
For the days that followed, for the time when planes did not fly... it seemed neither did the birds sing. The world went on but was changed. For many months after, I could not look to the sky without scrutinizing a planes path of flight. I feel a bit anxious when the birds are quiet. And I cannot think of that day without feeling the tingle of impending tears.. for those that died, for those left behind.. for the loss of innocence... for the knowledge that my life and the lives of everyone who has lived during this era will be forever just a bit more fearful, less secure;
It did not take an Atom bomb; it was not a long range missle. It was not a political agenda of a super power nation. It was a small group of individuals from a small country so far away who bought a plane ticket. It was our freedom to welcome all... to allow our freedoms for all who come to live with us, that was used against us. And even worse, there was nothing we did wrong; nothing for us to correct to prevent this from happening again... and one day, whether it is within my lifetime or that of my grandchildren, it will probably happen again.
For as Americans, as individuals, we cannot change how someone will perceive us; we cannot control someone else's actions; we can only live proud with our heads held high that we do our best to be AMERICAN for all the ideals and freedoms being American is... and though we, as brothers and sisters may bicker between ourselves from time to time, let NO ONE, but NO ONE try to divide us...we are a family, and as such, we will fight to death to defend one of our own. It is that sense of unity, that will protect us. And, it is that sense of unity that we must impart to our children and grandchildren, as our only defense against it happening.... again....
The day the planes hit the WTC and Pentagon, I was on the turnpike on my way to work. When, on the radio, I heard that the WTC was hit by a plane, I can clearly remember thinking it must be a terrorist; but just as suddenly I easily fell back into my false sense of safety... and thought.. it must have been an accident... It was not until I arrived at work did I learn of the second, third and fourth planes...
I tried to continue working... perhaps this was a defense mechanism to deny what was occurring. On a nine inch black and white TV in a laundry room with a hanger for an antenna, I saw the first tower fall. And suddenly, there was no hiding.
I left work. I had this strong need to be home. To get my son who was in school in Philadelphia; to collect my children and go home... as if home was a safe place...
For the days that followed, for the time when planes did not fly... it seemed neither did the birds sing. The world went on but was changed. For many months after, I could not look to the sky without scrutinizing a planes path of flight. I feel a bit anxious when the birds are quiet. And I cannot think of that day without feeling the tingle of impending tears.. for those that died, for those left behind.. for the loss of innocence... for the knowledge that my life and the lives of everyone who has lived during this era will be forever just a bit more fearful, less secure;
It did not take an Atom bomb; it was not a long range missle. It was not a political agenda of a super power nation. It was a small group of individuals from a small country so far away who bought a plane ticket. It was our freedom to welcome all... to allow our freedoms for all who come to live with us, that was used against us. And even worse, there was nothing we did wrong; nothing for us to correct to prevent this from happening again... and one day, whether it is within my lifetime or that of my grandchildren, it will probably happen again.
For as Americans, as individuals, we cannot change how someone will perceive us; we cannot control someone else's actions; we can only live proud with our heads held high that we do our best to be AMERICAN for all the ideals and freedoms being American is... and though we, as brothers and sisters may bicker between ourselves from time to time, let NO ONE, but NO ONE try to divide us...we are a family, and as such, we will fight to death to defend one of our own. It is that sense of unity, that will protect us. And, it is that sense of unity that we must impart to our children and grandchildren, as our only defense against it happening.... again....
“story4890.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,