September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

I was working as a payroll clerk for the Lake County, Indiana Sheriff's Department on the day of this tragady and the TV in my Commander's office happened to be on when the first plane hit. She screamed for us to come into her office and witness what was happening. We could not believe our eyes, that a horrible tragedy was occurring in the USA which we never dreamed would happen. When we finally understood the situation, everyone started telling about who they knew that worked in NY. Suddenly I came to realize that my daughter and son in law lived in New Jersey but both worked in the city. I immediately tried to find some way to contact their employers to see if in fact they were OK. Communications were down of course, so there was no way except to sit by a phone and hope I would get a call. I did receive that call in the evening from my daughter and found out she had been sent to another area of the city to work that day. My son in law was taking the Staten Island Ferry to work when he saw the first plane hit. His office building was destroyed and they were relocated but they were fine. It was an eternity waiting for that phone call and I can only imagine how the people felt that never did get that phone call saying all was OK. My heart and prayers go out to them all. God bless us and make our futures safe. Praise to the police officers (my son is one) and fire fighters who worked so hard to help the fallen. God Bless America.


“story5414.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,