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911DA Story: Story
Hearing this while at work from a Customer of ours. I sit at my computer my life is as usual coffee and turn on the phone to get ready for the day. My co-worker turns to me and says a plane has ran into the world trade center. I thought to myself of course what a tragic accident that is. And the calls kept comming then someone said the second towner fell. What the heck is going on??? Then a distributor told me that they ran into the pentagon. I still could not believe it. I still cannot get over that our boss actually told us to stay focused and not to look at the internet or got look at the news nor call anyone.My Husband who works for the airlines was not at home and i could not reach him I was petrified what had happened to him. where was he stuck was he still at work? I went home and going into the garage and not seeing the truck there was the most scared I had ever been. I finally got an answer to where he was. He ended up being stuck in new Hampshire on the ramp fixing a plane when this happened. He could not leave for 4 days and those 4 days were the longest of my life. My son was with his Dad in Oklahoma in a town where there is a very large refinery I was so scared but I called him everyday for weeks trying to make sure he was ok and calm, just to tell him how much I loved and missed him. I cry everytime i see those images and My heart aches to know what kind of fear my child has to live with now. But we did not alter our life we fly all the time and are very proud to be a part of the american way of life. I donate blood every time I can now. My best freind and I held a gargage sale and all the proceeds went to the red cross and the response was tremendous and it promnted my mothers garden club to do the same in Oklahoma with alot bigger backing and the whole town got involved so I am very proud I was able to make a small difference and teaching my child what being an american is all about. It has forever imapacted my life forever hopefull to make me a better stronger person. Now that my son is back with me I just try my best to show him how to grow up to be a better person, always to reach out when someone is in need because you never know when you might need a helping hand.
“story2954.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,