September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

I was meeting two business associates from Seattle for a breakfast meeting. There was a TV in the hotel lobby. I had just gotten my cereal and noticed everyone crowded around the TV. They were showing the first tower to be hit and explained an airplane had crashed into the World Trade Center. As the shock dissipated and people in the room started talking again the second tower was hit. At first, no one could figure out what happened. Within a few minutes, the reporters confirmed the second tower was hit by another airplane. No one could believe it; no one could imagine the magnitude of what was happening. Let alone fathom WHY?? The senseless loss of humanity, innocent hard working people who lost their lives has affected our nation in more ways than we can even begin to imagine. Needless to say not too many people could finish their breakfast.

As the day progressed, some employees had to go home from work to comfort scared family members. It was traumatic as people watched throughout the day in silence and horror as another plane crashed into the pentagon and another in a field as heroic and courageous passengers tried to keep the plane from crashing in a populated area. The towers collapsed and the fires raged on. Many people were frantically trying to phone friends and family that worked in and around the World Trade Center.

I was in complete and total shock. I was afraid of what might happen next. Was this the start of the next world war? In the afternoon, we went outside and the eerie silence of no planes flying signified the magnitude of what was going on.

Some people carried on with their routine and business as usual. I could not fathom that; just the thought of the horror of what was happening to the people in the Twin Towers and The Pentagon was too much for me. I spent the day talking with others who were upset and trying to comfort those who were scared. I thought of the people who had gone to work at the World Trade Center that day, getting their morning coffee, riding the elevator to their floor worrying about a meeting or deadline or a matter from home. Being there one minute and the next gone...

An associate lost several members of his family in the towers my deepest sympathies to all those who lost loved ones. For those who were there and survived may support and love from those around you help heal the trauma you have suffered. It is unimaginable to me to think of all the pain and suffering. Not a day goes by that I do not have some thought of this horrible tragedy.

For those who worked to save lives that day and for the long months of cleanup at ground zero putting your lives at risk to save others - you are all heroes. I hope every American has taken a moment of silence today and every day to remember those who were lost.

It was heartening to see people come together to support one another today ? one year later. I hope that support and fellowship continues as Americans strive to keep this country going in the aftermath of all that has happened.


“story5890.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,