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911DA Story: Story
I remember the day of September 11, 2001 as vividly as if it happened today. I was at Jonesy's Diner in Terre Haute, Indiana eating breakfast with my boyfriend very early on the morning of September 11, 2001. We were enjoying a heartily made Indiana home-cooked breakfast on a bright and sunny day while commenting on the traffic passing by us outside on historic US 40. Everyone around us was talking and going on as one might imagine would be happening in a small diner in the midwest, when I overheard the news channel break in on our local country station. They were reporting of the first plane hitting the tower. Before my boyfriend and I left, the second plane had hit. It was all so surreal. The planes at the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania were even more unbelieveable. We were out to breakfast early that day because we are both college students, and were heading towards class that day. By the time we got to the Indiana State University campus in Terre Haute, Indiana, classes had been cancelled, and hoards of people were sitting around the TV's in our lounge's gasping and crying, and cussing too. Who would dare do such a thing to us, and why? HOW were they able to pull it off? What did they want? What were we going to do in response? Was there more coming? All sorts of thoughts were cycloning through my head, as I am sure they were in the heads of the others around me. We were all just speechless. I have never heard such an utterly eery silence on campus.By mid-day, there was a gigantic TV in our food court, with large speakers surrounding it. The lights were all dimmed, and all the seats in the place were taken. No one could peel themselves away from the TV, including me. Our school paper, the Statesman, ran a special edition. I've never seen people come together like they did that day. I'll never forget it. We may have been far from New York, but that day all US citizens were from the Big Apple.
“story1231.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed February 13, 2025,