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911DA Story: Story
On the day of 911 we were at are local county fair when the
news broadcast came across airways.Everyone watched and listened to the news reporters given reports of the events
and the stories of death tolls.When I heard all the supplies that was needed I knew I needed to be involved in this to help out the families,firemen,and everyone else involved in this terrible act against American People.
That afternoon at our County Fair I got permission from are local Fairboard to park a large U-Haul truck at the front entrance of the fairgrounds and ask folks for donations and once the truck was filled my family and I would delivery the stuff to New York.Well,I made one phone call to our local U-Haul dealer to see if they would donate a truck for this project that I had set my goals to accomplish.No problem,got the truck parked it at 5:00p.m.
then I needed to let the community know what I was doing.
Our local radio station was set up at the fair and they allowed me air time,our local paper came and took pictures of the truck,which I was able to make signs to cover the sides and they said New York Bound From Logan,Ohio.Once somone made a donations I allowed the folks to write a message to the folks in New York.It was amazing to see everything coming in,but I was missing something.I wanted to have the right stuff on the truck not things that could not be used.I called our Local Red Cross,where I was told that I had to go through them to do this.Well.that was the wrong answer for me because once I set my mind to do something I get it done.That night when the fair closed at midnight I came home and started making calls to New York wanted to find out what was deeply needed the most.I had talked with the Red Cross in New York and they gave me the name of officer on site to contact and he would be able to help me.It was 3:00 a.m. the next morning and I had my worked cut out for me but nothing to what the people in New York was going thur.Well,boots,air masks,gloves,welding gloves,cleaning supplies,doggie shoes,and more was needed.At 7:00 a.m.I returned back to the truck with my family and friends there to help me with what ever I planned for this day.I went back on our local radio station and pleaded for these items that were greatly needed.Our local paper printed a large front page article letting folks know what I was trying to do.Merchandise was coming on and the truck was half full,folks who did not attend the fair would come to the front gates,yell out my name and hand me boxes,sacks,and anything that they had purchased.At Noon that day a gentlman pulled up to the gates and yelled my husband name and that he needed help aloading his truck,I didn't know what he had till I got over there,I was so surprised this gentlman had went and purchased 150 pair of steel toe boots in all sizes.I cried with more vechicles stopping and dropping things of people coming thur the gates handed stuff to the loaders which were teen age kids who wanted to show there help.This Community was great,but that truck was still not full and I wanted it full before leaving our small town.It was the last day of our fair and my goals where almost met,except I had alittle bit of space left and so I contacted our local Krogers store and ask to use there parking lot to finish filling this truck New York Bound.There was no problem and they put me right up by the door.Folks were coming out and handing sacks,bottled water,care items,even those doggie boots.
Wow,the truck was full and I was ready to go.I came home that Sunday evening and called the officer back that I had been talking to,I told him everything I had on the truck and he was excited has much as myself.Everything I had they could use the boots,gloves,etc.was needed more than everything else on the truck but they could use it.That was the most important thing.The officer gave me directions on were to go was once entering New Jersey.
We left that evening thinking driving thur the night would be best and we had my daughter and her husband following behind so everyone could take turns driving.
Once arriving in New Jersey at a local Food Bank a gentleman there came out and greeted us then informed us that Jefferson Bridge had a bomb threat and that we could not go across,But,I was OK with this because I had made out to set this goal and it was achieved,Thanks to my family,friens,businesses,radio station,newspaper,and fair board the little town Logan,Ohio was helping fellow Americans in there time of diaster.We got a tour of the food bank and was amazing all stuff folks was bringing in and more trucks were pulling up to the docks.The man on the inside really liked our signs on the side from Logan Ohio that he asked me if he could have them to hang there in the dock area so folks could see where we had came from.They called over to the other side and a truck was sent to pick up the boots,gloves,and anything else that we had brought that they could use at that time.
After spending about 5 hours there and meeting new people and offering our help for anything that might be needed, we decided to head for home.
Once home I thanked everyone in our commuinty and gave reports to our local paper,radio,and a few civic clubs about this great thing we all had accomplished.But,I knew I wasn't done with this and never would be.Thinking about all those lives they were lost just stayed with me.In 2002
I decided to build a Memorial Wall to set-up at our local fair year after year so people would always remember this terrible day of 9-11-01.I was able to go into the internet and get information,photo's,stories,and anything else I might need.After getting the wood donated,glass,everything to seal it with my project began.There is photo's of individuals that were killed and were they were located prior to the death.Stories from children about there loved ones.This wall is not only a part of me but my family,and my wonderful commuinty.Every year this is set-up at local fair for the whole week,Memorial Day it was used in our local park for the services for that day and then Verterns
Day we loaded it on a flat bed trailer and drove it in our local parade,I noticed has we drove by the folks standing on the street they were bowing there heads,hats off and salutes from our local Police,Sheriff,and Fire Department.
I just felt that we had done something that would never be forgotten in this local community and New York,and everywhere else the terriost had attacked would be with us forever.The wall is 12x8 and you can differntly see it far away and up close.Someday,I would like to come to a memorail service for 911 but,for now we have a memorial service here in Hocking County,Logan Ohio for everyone that was killed that day with the wall,silence,and prayer
Thank-You For Your Time:
Debbie Stevens
p.s.When I had the wall on the float for Veterens Day I had local Fireman standing beside the wall with there gear.
news broadcast came across airways.Everyone watched and listened to the news reporters given reports of the events
and the stories of death tolls.When I heard all the supplies that was needed I knew I needed to be involved in this to help out the families,firemen,and everyone else involved in this terrible act against American People.
That afternoon at our County Fair I got permission from are local Fairboard to park a large U-Haul truck at the front entrance of the fairgrounds and ask folks for donations and once the truck was filled my family and I would delivery the stuff to New York.Well,I made one phone call to our local U-Haul dealer to see if they would donate a truck for this project that I had set my goals to accomplish.No problem,got the truck parked it at 5:00p.m.
then I needed to let the community know what I was doing.
Our local radio station was set up at the fair and they allowed me air time,our local paper came and took pictures of the truck,which I was able to make signs to cover the sides and they said New York Bound From Logan,Ohio.Once somone made a donations I allowed the folks to write a message to the folks in New York.It was amazing to see everything coming in,but I was missing something.I wanted to have the right stuff on the truck not things that could not be used.I called our Local Red Cross,where I was told that I had to go through them to do this.Well.that was the wrong answer for me because once I set my mind to do something I get it done.That night when the fair closed at midnight I came home and started making calls to New York wanted to find out what was deeply needed the most.I had talked with the Red Cross in New York and they gave me the name of officer on site to contact and he would be able to help me.It was 3:00 a.m. the next morning and I had my worked cut out for me but nothing to what the people in New York was going thur.Well,boots,air masks,gloves,welding gloves,cleaning supplies,doggie shoes,and more was needed.At 7:00 a.m.I returned back to the truck with my family and friends there to help me with what ever I planned for this day.I went back on our local radio station and pleaded for these items that were greatly needed.Our local paper printed a large front page article letting folks know what I was trying to do.Merchandise was coming on and the truck was half full,folks who did not attend the fair would come to the front gates,yell out my name and hand me boxes,sacks,and anything that they had purchased.At Noon that day a gentlman pulled up to the gates and yelled my husband name and that he needed help aloading his truck,I didn't know what he had till I got over there,I was so surprised this gentlman had went and purchased 150 pair of steel toe boots in all sizes.I cried with more vechicles stopping and dropping things of people coming thur the gates handed stuff to the loaders which were teen age kids who wanted to show there help.This Community was great,but that truck was still not full and I wanted it full before leaving our small town.It was the last day of our fair and my goals where almost met,except I had alittle bit of space left and so I contacted our local Krogers store and ask to use there parking lot to finish filling this truck New York Bound.There was no problem and they put me right up by the door.Folks were coming out and handing sacks,bottled water,care items,even those doggie boots.
Wow,the truck was full and I was ready to go.I came home that Sunday evening and called the officer back that I had been talking to,I told him everything I had on the truck and he was excited has much as myself.Everything I had they could use the boots,gloves,etc.was needed more than everything else on the truck but they could use it.That was the most important thing.The officer gave me directions on were to go was once entering New Jersey.
We left that evening thinking driving thur the night would be best and we had my daughter and her husband following behind so everyone could take turns driving.
Once arriving in New Jersey at a local Food Bank a gentleman there came out and greeted us then informed us that Jefferson Bridge had a bomb threat and that we could not go across,But,I was OK with this because I had made out to set this goal and it was achieved,Thanks to my family,friens,businesses,radio station,newspaper,and fair board the little town Logan,Ohio was helping fellow Americans in there time of diaster.We got a tour of the food bank and was amazing all stuff folks was bringing in and more trucks were pulling up to the docks.The man on the inside really liked our signs on the side from Logan Ohio that he asked me if he could have them to hang there in the dock area so folks could see where we had came from.They called over to the other side and a truck was sent to pick up the boots,gloves,and anything else that we had brought that they could use at that time.
After spending about 5 hours there and meeting new people and offering our help for anything that might be needed, we decided to head for home.
Once home I thanked everyone in our commuinty and gave reports to our local paper,radio,and a few civic clubs about this great thing we all had accomplished.But,I knew I wasn't done with this and never would be.Thinking about all those lives they were lost just stayed with me.In 2002
I decided to build a Memorial Wall to set-up at our local fair year after year so people would always remember this terrible day of 9-11-01.I was able to go into the internet and get information,photo's,stories,and anything else I might need.After getting the wood donated,glass,everything to seal it with my project began.There is photo's of individuals that were killed and were they were located prior to the death.Stories from children about there loved ones.This wall is not only a part of me but my family,and my wonderful commuinty.Every year this is set-up at local fair for the whole week,Memorial Day it was used in our local park for the services for that day and then Verterns
Day we loaded it on a flat bed trailer and drove it in our local parade,I noticed has we drove by the folks standing on the street they were bowing there heads,hats off and salutes from our local Police,Sheriff,and Fire Department.
I just felt that we had done something that would never be forgotten in this local community and New York,and everywhere else the terriost had attacked would be with us forever.The wall is 12x8 and you can differntly see it far away and up close.Someday,I would like to come to a memorail service for 911 but,for now we have a memorial service here in Hocking County,Logan Ohio for everyone that was killed that day with the wall,silence,and prayer
Thank-You For Your Time:
Debbie Stevens
p.s.When I had the wall on the float for Veterens Day I had local Fireman standing beside the wall with there gear.
“story10265.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,