September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

My husband and I go on early morning walks along the trail by our home in Plano, Texas.
The morning of the 10th many cargo planes were flying low on their approach into Dallas
For Worth International Aiport. I remember feeling very fortunate that during my lifetime
I had not had to see my father, brother, or a husband go off to war.

After my early morning walk on the 11th I recall having very little energy so I had gone
back to bed and didn't wake up until almost 10:00 am. I notice my answering machine was
full and blinking. There were progressively urgent messages from my husband. I thought
it was another layoff until he said " . . . there is a lot going on in the world today,
you might want to turn on the t.v."

When I did . . . well, I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. I feel to my knees,
cried and screamed "Oh my GOD! They know not what they do!" Another phone call broke me
from the crying and it was two friends wanting to come over. I work from home and am often
isolated so I welcomed the opportunity. It was good to have friends with me during that
time. One friend, Jane, is a pilot and I felt comforted by her explainations and what her
training entailed on forced cockpit entry.

I'm a longarm quilter; I finish quilts for people. The quilt I loaded into my machine on the 10th
had the popular skyline fabric featured in it. I found the twin towers and outlined them and
then simply put the date under the statue of liberty. The customer was very glad I had thought
to do that. The thing is I didn't think, I just did it to preserve history.

Yesterday, September 11, 2002 I had a beautiful angel quilt that I loaded into my machine.
It was of great comfort to quilt it while I listened to the names being read of each victim during
the ceremony.

I will never forget. Allison C. Bayer, Plano, Texas


“story6480.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,