September 11 Digital Archive

[MAPC-discuss] RE: [MAPC-media] Isthmus Letter to the Editor


[MAPC-discuss] RE: [MAPC-media] Isthmus Letter to the Editor



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September 11 Email: Body

We'll get such a letter out...  I would also like to bring into focus some
of the attempts by the Army to improve their image with a re-naming and a
public re-statement of purpose...

Here is a re-draft of X's letter... What do people think?  Is it
suitable for MAPC's purpose?  Too wordy?  Let me know.

Dear Editor:
     This year Madisonians are invited to join in a Peace Parade in
solidarity with the
eleventh annual School of the Americas protest.  The parade is being held at
Truax at noon on Saturday, November 17th.  For more information call
835-7501 or go to
     Alexander Cockburn (11/02/01 'U.S. eyes sheer torture') notes that the
United States government has sheltered torturers around the world.  One way
the government has done this is through the Army School of the Americas
Fort Benning, Georgia, long a U.S. military training school for torture
techniques.  The School's graduates have gone on to mastermind torture and
death squads in their home countries in Latin America.  In fact, SOA alumni
form a who's who of notorious human rights abusers in the region.  For ten
years, American citizens have protested the School of the Americas outside
Fort Benning on a Saturday in November.
     Recently the Army has tried to change the image of the SOA.  They
changed the name to The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security
Cooperation (WHINSEC). WHINSEC continues to train military personnel of
Latin American nations.  But now WHINSEC's stated mission includes training
students to provide humanitarian aid, to direct peacekeeping efforts, and to
protect individual human rights. To the extent that these are sincere
efforts we applaud them.
     However, by training Latin American soldiers in tactics of war, WHINSEC
promotes and exports violence.  Besides seeking acknowledgement and redress
for the terrible deeds of past SOA graduates, we also seek to change the
involvement of the US Government in exporting violence, along with promotion
of acts reinforcing poverty and increasing economic disparity.  In this
regard, we support House Resolution 1810 of the 107th US Congress, which
repeals authority for WHINSEC and calls for congressional oversight of
future training of Latin American military personnel.

Madison Area Peace Coalition

-----Original Message-----
From: X
Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2001 1:30 PM
Subject: [MAPC-media] Isthmus Letter to the Editor

I am hereby requesting the media committee to send a letter to the Editor to
Isthmus on behalf of the MAPC.

The letter (or e-mail) should go out in time to get in the next issue.
Perhaps e-mailing this Monday or Tuesday would work.

Draft Letter Text Suggestion:

Dear Editor:
     Alexander Cockburn (11/02/01 'U.S. eyes sheer torture') notes that the
United States government has sheltered torturers around the world.  One way
the government has done this is through the Army School of the Americas in
Fort Benning, Georgia, long a U.S. military training school for torture
techniques.  The School's graduates have gone on to mastermind torture and
death squads in their home countries in Latin America.  In fact, the alumni
form a who's who of notorious human rights abusers in the region.  For ten
years, American citizens have protested the School of the Americas outside
Fort Benning on a Saturday in November.
     This year Madisonians can join in a Peace Parade in solidarity with the
eleventh annual School of the Americas protest.  It is being held at MATC
Truax at noon on Saturday, November 17th.  For more information call
835-7501 or go to

Madison Area Peace Coalition

Media Contact:  X, etc."

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September 11 Email: Date

Saturday, November 03, 2001 3:25 PM

September 11 Email: Subject

[MAPC-discuss] RE: [MAPC-media] Isthmus Letter to the Editor


“[MAPC-discuss] RE: [MAPC-media] Isthmus Letter to the Editor,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 18, 2025,