[MAPC-policy] FW: Senate For Ops Approps Bill language re Sept
[MAPC-policy] FW: Senate For Ops Approps Bill language re Sept
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Date Entered
September 11 Email: Body
FYI - here's excerpts from the Senate Foreign Operations Appropriations bill
for 2002, which just passed the Senate - it's used to direct foreign policy
thru $$ appropriation to various programs. The $$ for "emerged women Afghan
leaders" could be very positive, but the Peace Corps provisions (in my mind)
are just another way to put a smiley face on murderous U.S. foreign policy.
I vote YES on meeting as the policy cmte at 6 pm before the general meeting
this Tues (at 6:30, correct? does anyone know location? the web site's
wonky), and YES on us presenting our resolution at the general meeting.
Sarah, could you add it to the meeting agenda EARLY in the meeting, if
PS- from a recent Fisk article: Newsweek outlined the US government's view
with alarming, if unconscious, frankness. "It may be a good thing that
Pakistan is ruled by a friendly military dictator,'' the magazine concluded,
"rather than what could well be a hostile democracy.''
Diane Farsetta
East Timor Action Network field organizer ETAN field office
Social Justice Center
office 608-663-5431 1202 Williamson St
cell 608-347-4598 Madison, WI 53703
home 608-255-4598 fax 608-227-0141
Check out these internet sites!
the East Timor Action Network/US http://www.etan.org
Madison, WI - East Timor projects http://www.aideasttimor.org
Madison's Social Justice Center http://www.socialjusticecenter.org
"We struggled for more than 24 years for independence. We've learned the
lesson that even small people have a voice."
-East Timorese leader Mari Alkatiri, during the August 30, 2001
Constituent Assembly vote
SEC.584. Of the funds appropriated by this Act under the heading Economic
Support Fund 11, not less than $15,000,000 shall be made available for
programs and activities to foster democracy, human rights, press freedoms,
and the rule of law in countries with a significant Muslim population, and
where such programs and activities would be important to United States
efforts to respond to,deter, or prevent acts of international terrorism:
Provided,That funds appropriated under this section should support new
initiatives or bolster ongoing programs and activities in those countries:
Provided further, That not less than $2,000,000 of such funds shall be made
available for programs and activities that train emerging Afghan women
leaders in civil society development and democracy building: Provided
further, That not less than $10,000,000 of such funds shall be made
available for the Human Rights and Democracy Fund of the Bureau of Democracy
Human Rights and Labor, Department of State, for such activities: Provided
further, That funds made available pursuant to the authority of this section
shall be subject to the regular notification procedures of the Committees on
Page 131-134
SEC.593.(a)FINDINGS.Congress makes the following findings:
(1) In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001,it is
more important than ever to foster peaceful relationships with citizens of
pre-dominantly Muslim countries.
(2) One way to foster understanding between citizens of predominantly Muslim
countries and the United States is to send United States citizens to work
with citizens of Muslim countries on constructive projects in their home
(3) The Peace Corps mission as stated by Congress in the Peace Corps Act is
to promote world peace and friendship.
(4) Within that mission,the Peace Corps has three goals:
(a) To assist the people of interested countries in meeting the need of
those countries for trained men and women.
(b) To assist in promoting a better understanding of Americans on the part
of the peoples served.
(c) To assist in promoting a better understanding of other peoples on the
part of Americans.
(5) The Peace Corps has had significant success in meeting these goals in
the countries in which the Peace Corps operates, and has already established
mechanisms to put volunteers in place and sustain them abroad.
(6) The Peace Corps currently operates in very few predominantly Muslim
(7) An increased number of Peace Corps volunteers in Muslim countries would
assist in promoting peace and understanding between Americans and Muslims
(b) STUDY.The Director of the Peace Corps shall undertake a study to
(1) the feasibility of increasing the number of Peace Corps volunteers in
countries that have a majority Muslim population;
(2) the manner in which the Peace Corps may target the recruitment of Peace
Corps volunteers from among United States citizens who have an interest in
those countries or who speak Arabic;
(3) appropriate mechanisms to ensure the safety of Peace Corps volunteers in
countries that have a majority Muslim population; and
(4) the estimated increase in funding that will be necessary for the Peace
Corps to implement any recommendation resulting from the study of the
matters described in paragraphs (1) through (3).
(c) REPORT.Not later than 6 months after the date of enactment of this
Act,the Director of the Peace Corps shall submit to the appropriate
congressional committees a report containing the findings of the study
conducted under subsection (b).
term appropriate congressional committees 11means the Committee on Foreign
Relations of the Senate and the Committee on International Relations of the
House of Representatives.
September 11 Email: Date
Saturday, October 27, 2001 6:28 PM
September 11 Email: Subject
[MAPC-policy] FW: Senate For Ops Approps Bill language re Sept
“[MAPC-policy] FW: Senate For Ops Approps Bill language re Sept,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 18, 2025, https://911digitalarchive.org/items/show/1200.