September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

Wow... already one year has passed.... Let me think a little about what went on that day. It was a clear day and everything seemed normal. People were busy going to work and school. It seemed like we had yet another boring day ahead of us. This was not the case as most people thought. Who would have thought that this would be the day that two monuments in the United States would go crumbling into the ground as if thier foundation was made of sticks. I remember it pretty well. I was sitting in the 3rd seat on from the front closest to the door. The loud speaker was right by me and I was about to fall asleep. All of sudden, the principal of the school comes on the PA and announces that a tragedy has struct. He told every one that a plane had just crashed into the World Trade center in New York. At first I thought that he was talking about a little single engine plane that someone lost controll of. I remeber thinking whats the big deal? It wasn't until my government class where the class was taken to the nearest TV where the news was playing that I realized that this was a big deal. They were showing bodies falling, people screaming, reporters running away as debris were falling from above. There was smoke everywhere. It was as if we were watching a scene from a movie. Not too soon there after the two buildings started falling. People frantically running away and reporters trying to stand thier grounds until they had no other option but to move. Then it struck everyone. What about those who went into save the others? The NYPD, FDNY, and the EMS. After seeing this on TV people were frantically getting home, avoiding big cities, and of course tall buildings. No one ever thought that there would be a much worse attack on the US than what had been seen at Pearl Harbor. Boy were they upset when they witnessed that such an attack was possible.


“story5844.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,