September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

September 11 ,2001 was a normal fall day in Shawnee, Kansas. I was driving into work that morning listning to the radio when I heard that a plane had struck the World Trade Center. I was surprised butat that point figured a small plane of some kind had miss judged an approach and had crashed into the building. When I arived at work about 10 minutes later my boss told me the TV was tuned into the news and that a second plane had just hit the other tower. I thought this was impossible since I did not yet know exactly what had happened. I went into our fitness center where the televisions are and could not believe my eyes as I watch the news footage of what was happening. I remember saying a quick prayer for the people there and then saw the towers start to collapse. It seemed like it was just a couple of minutes when in reality it was longer. The rest of the day I prayed off and on as a tried to keep my mind occupied with the normall business of the day. It was impossible. My heart wanted to go to the school where my boys were and take them home with me but as of yet we did not know if even that was safe here in the heart of the country. I listened to radio reports in my office because the pictures on the TV were more than I could handle. I listened as gasoline prices shot to the sky here in the midwest and to the updates of what was going on around the country. I thought of my Grandfather in Oklahoma and wondered if I would see him anytime soon or just what was next. Everything was so uncertain in the first 24 to 48 hours. I remember praying for God's healing and strength for the families of those who had died. I prayed for the leaders of our country and those around the world faced with dealing with this disater. I remember I was angry also. Angry at people I did not even know but wanted to hurt because they had dare to harm my country and my freedom. I worried about how this would affect my fifteen year old son. Would this be another Vietnam with the draft and young boys going off to war. So many memories of this type of thing came into my mind for the next couple of days. The silence of the skies after all planes were grounded was frightening. We live on the approach pattern for KCI where there are always planes in the sky and for them to all of a sudden be gone was so strange.Then when we would see a plane or helicopter we would wonder were they military,patroling the skies to try and protect us, or were they from somewhere else. It made you just stop and say another prayer. My two sons had so many quetions that evening and during our time before bed we prayed again for the families, our country, and our leaders. My youngest son who was 7 did not want to see or hear anything about the disaster after that.It was hard to protect him from all of the media coverage. It depressed him and made me sad that such a horrable event had caused him pain and hurt his young life. Again I was angry at "those people". The problem was who were "those people" the Arab who works at the gas station, the person who worked at the dry cleaners. I do not know. I know the Arab at the gas station was not he was a US citizen but he still lost business and almost his store because of his heritage. I was upset then not just at "those people" but at my own country men not just for shunning someone because of the heritage but for those who decided to take matters in their own hands. Those who harrassed people of Middle Eastern origan verbally and physically. For harming people because of their color, accent, or religion. I thought we had passed by so much of this hate and prejudice. How could we go backwards so fast. I remeber growing up hearing my Grandmother quote "One bad apple may spoil the pie but a bad person does not spoil the whole race". I also remember a feeling of pride in the Fire Fighters, Police Officers, Ambulance Crews, and others who willingly went into and stayed in those buildings trying to save lives not only at the World Trade Center but at the Pentegon also. Then when I heard about the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania I knew in my heart the crew had crashed it to keep from hitting another target and when I found out it was the passengers I felt pride and saddness. Pride that they were willing to give up their lives for others they would never know. Yet I was saddend for all the families who lost loved ones so tragically. All to often I think this group of heros are forgotten. They did not make great photo opps. There was only a hole out in the middle of no where but what if there wasn't that hole what great photo opp would we have. To me those people are the heros. The people at work are lost and I am saddened by that but they were at work. The rescue workers went in knowing they may not come out, but they faced that every day. The people on the plane in Pennsylvania made a choice to destroy the plane before it could destroy others. They are the heros of Sept. 11 and always will be. How will America remember Sept. 11 today we remember with vivid thoughts but will we in say 10 years. I am not so sure. This past year the Oklahoma City bombing was hardly mentioned and there the terrorists where US citizens. Will we remember? More importantly will we change? Will the unity we see now last? Will we support our Government and up hold what we believe to be right. Will we fight to protect those rights that these people lost their lives for. Will we keep our civil liberties or will we in a decision to stamp out terrorism and to protect us give up these rights willingly? I pray not! People since this land was populated have died to defend these rights in foreign lands and on our own soil. I hope we remember. I hope we defend their memory by defending our liberties. Then America will stay the great nation it is and always has been. September 11 is a day our nation, our citizens, or future generations need to remember and honor as the day we said our liberties and way of life are ours and no one can change them no matter what the cost.


“story4527.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,