September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

I was at work. My husbnd called to tell me a plane had just hit one of the buildings of the World Trade Center. I told him to stop playing with me. He said if I did not believe him, to turn on the radio or search the web. No sooner then he said that, a news flash came over the radio telling about the plane. I immediately started doing a mental accounting of all my loved ones. When I could not reach those I was not sure of by phone, I sent out emails. I called my husband back to tell him my building was evacuating and that I was going to pick up our daughter from daycare. Upon learning that two of my coworkers were ambivalent about using the Metro system to get home, another coworker and I decided to drive them. Once my loved ones in my immediate area were home, I just vegged for the rest of the day. I could not watch tv, nor listen to the radio. I just couldn't.

Now one year later, I find myself glued to the tv watching all the programs and voraciously reading all materials that I can. I feel so numb.


“story2392.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,