September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

When I look back on September 11th it is hard to believe that it has been a whole year. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was 15 years old, wearing a brown tanktop with the skyline of Chicago on it with my kacki skirt. I was working on a group project for chemistry before school even started and I remember someone running down the hall saying "The Pentagon has been Bombed!!" I have to admit that my first thought was, "oh great someone is running around school spreading horrible rumors about the Pentagon being bombed, man highschoolers can be so immature." But when I finally got to my first period class and Dr. Veach our principal came over the intercom and told us what had happened I couldn't believe it. Band was my first period class and ignoring what the principal had said about turning the tv off we all gathered around the big screen television and watched the news station in horror. Eventually one of our directors came out and turned the television off, but that didn't stop us. We just went searching for another tv and wheeled it into the drum room and crowded around it once again. Throughout the rest of the day I didn't have the freedom to watch the tv, but in every class all of our tests and quizzes were cancelled for the week and teachers were advised not to give homework that night. When I finally got home I sat in my chair in the living room and watched the tv until dinner time. After that I sat infront of the tv once again and watched until around 11pm when I finally had to drag myself away to go to sleep.

They say every generation has its one major event in history that they will never forget. For once I was just hoping that our generation would never have to go through what the previous generations of ours did. But now I see things differently, we have become closer as a nation and I believe that everything that has happened God will use to make good. So now all we have to do is go on with our everyday lives and always remember what can happen when people start to hate eachother.


“story4173.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,