September 11 Digital Archive

[MAPC-policy] [Fwd: Peace/humanitarian aid resolution]


[MAPC-policy] [Fwd: Peace/humanitarian aid resolution]



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September 11 Email: Body

Hi all,

I hope you receive this before tonight's meeting.  what do you think?
Write back and, if not, perhaps we can talk tonight a bit before tthe
meeting or before it comes up on the agenda.

From: "X" <>
To: "Olson" <>
Subject: Peace/humanitarian aid resolution
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 17:57:34 -0500
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I've been attempting to contact some alder-folk along with the MAPC
Policy Committee, which incliudes X who I know got ahold of
you. I'm delighted that you're happy/eager to cosponsor the resolution.

I also would like to change the wording of the last "Be it furtther
Resolved" phrase and we'll have that for all of you by tonight at the
end of our MAPC meeting, which will most probably be over before your
Budget meeting...which brings me to the part that's different from what
you & Diane discussed--the timing.

I believe itt's crucially important to have the resolution voted on at
the next November 20 meeting and not be put off until two weeks later,
December 4. I had suggested earlier that the Policy Committee have it
introduced already "By Title Only" for your last CC meeting, but I guess
that didn't happen--the timing was tight then for them. However, it
still can get to the Clerk's office by 9am tomorrow AM and be voted on
at your next meeting of Nov. 20 --after all, it certainly doesn't need
to and shouldn't be referred to any committees. I feel this strongly as
do others on MAPC simply because the bombing will continue those two
weeks longer, all tthe more civilians will be killed during that time
while humanitarian aid won't be addressed in a timely fashion either.

On the other hand, alders, as well as the Mayor, will havetime to read
the resolution over the weekend and they'll be getting email and phone
calls from their constituencies during that time. Also, December 4 will
already pass the timeline humanitarian groups have put on needing to
start land convoys of aid.

I know Todd J will be bringing copies of the resolution, plus a
substitute which others who are more more reluctant could sign on to as
cosponsors if you don';t think you'll pass it. You all can figure out
your own stategy regarding whether you have a substitute or not; but if
you do, I would suggest not to have it introduced tomorow morning or
passed out the night of the meeting, but could be put in alders' boxes
enough ahead of time. (And perhaps you'll have enuf votes and won't
want tto do the substitute-- it's there just as a possibility for others
as you all figure out the votes.) I know Brenda also is willing to
cosponsor this with Todd and yourself, but I'm not sure about others.


September 11 Email: Date

Tuesday, November 13, 2001 5:06 PM

September 11 Email: Subject

[MAPC-policy] [Fwd: Peace/humanitarian aid resolution]


“[MAPC-policy] [Fwd: Peace/humanitarian aid resolution],” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 7, 2024,