September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

At September 11, 2001, I was working. It was 01.45 p.m., when a friend call me to work. When I pick up the phone she started shouting "Turn on your TV!Turn on your TV".
I thought that her house was on fire, because in that sunday she had a fire near her house and she almost lost it.
I said "calm down, what's happening?", she answered " a comercial plain crashed to TWC".
"It's not possible", "there are no commercial flights near the TWC", and immediatly I said "Oh! My god it's a terrorist attack!". My friend replied "No, it was an accident"."I'm watching CNN and I'll call you again in a minute".
Well, it looks just an ordinary story compared with the million stories all around the world about the September 11th. But, do you know why was I the first person she called? (Not to her husband that works at an american firm).
She called me because I was just arrived from New York where I spend 15 days of honey moon. She thought that I was the person who would understand what was happening.
And it's true, I couldn't believe it when I saw the images.
I miss New York, and the TWC.
Last night I painted an oil picture of the TWC. The paint is great. I will put it in my living room. I would never forget that day.

Helena Cunha Serra, 11/09/2002, 30 years, lawyer, Lisbon, Portugal


“story2188.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,