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911DA Story: Story
I was siting on the bed watching the today show when the news broke in and said the world trade center is on fire then a min later they said they think it was a plain crash the show went on then they got a live shot of the two towers of the trade center I saw the other plain plying I said to myself don't they see that that plain is flying to low then all of a sudden it flew into the trade center towers and all I could say was O my God, O my God then it was one thing after the other I knew this was bad real bad as the day went on the world seem like anything could happen at any min. and what was next. Next was the pentagon then live shot of a smoking Pentagon everyone look as though they was in a dream and this was not happen. All I could do was get my book and rite a song. The name of the song is liberty will never die..the song went (C) there was a plain that flew in the sky taken over taken over by evil gyves with no love was in there hearts kill 6,000 in the New York sky but liberty will never die. (story by Theodore Pollard song Copy (c) 2001)
“story9692.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 15, 2025,