September 11 Digital Archive


How has your life changed because of what happened on September 11, 2001?

I interviewed my aunt, Tamara Blake. She believes that not only her life, but the lives of all Americans and people around the world have change because of what happened on September 11, 2001. She said that it changed her view on her safety and she will never take it for granted. The attacks have caused her to create a plan in case of another attack. She believes that American’s have grown more patriotic and understanding of how vulnerable we truly are. She said that people around the world were supporting the United States like never before. This is a clear statement of how people can come together over one cause.

How will you remember the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks?

My Aunt Tamara told me everything about that day. She said that it had started off just like any normal day. She was doing laundry and playing with her son Connor. She had received a phone call from her mom asking if she was watching the Today Show. She turned the channel and saw the horrific attacks as they unfolded. She said that she was worried for her safety because she did not know what was going to be attacked next. For the rest of the day, she talked to her family members on the phone and stayed home. As much as she did not like being home alone, she was afraid to leave her house. She said that the most unnerving thing was how eerily quiet it was all day. She talked about how everyone in the community came together and had a real sense of pride for their country. She believes that we need to remember 9/11 and continue to teach it to our children so we will never forget the tragedy that occurred.


“[Untitled],” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed December 19, 2024,