September 11 Digital Archive


Referred to by

Smithsonian website

How has your life changed because of what happened on September 11, 2001?

How has my life changed because of 9/11? Internally I was scared; the images still give me goose bumps. I try to go out of my way to make friends or rather get to know those associated with 9/11, the Muslims, as I feel that getting to know the person rather than the extremist or radicals calms my nerves. In effect 9/11 has given me the courage to talk and expand my social networks.

How will you remember the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks?

I will remember waking up that morning. Because of the time difference, the coverage interrupted my morning television n cartoons. I will remember waking up and being confused at the images that I was watching.


“[Untitled],” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 30, 2024,