September 11 Digital Archive


Referred to by

Smithsonian website

How has your life changed because of what happened on September 11, 2001?

my best friend's father died on september 11, ever since that day she changed completely, she lost her childhood. She is Muslim American and also wears a hajib thus after september 11 she was forced to deal with both the grief of her beloved father's death as well as the taunting of the nation and the media. Two years ago i moved to Australia, and even here it seems that anybody of Arabic Muslim decent is ostracized via media. People do not understand that it was fundamentalist who had caused the disaster, they also don't understand that there is more than one type of American, it is a multi-racial country and America as well as the rest of western civilisation, needs to work in unity. My best friend should not have been ostracized and she should not have been given taunting stares and put down because of her choice of faith and the race she was born into. Like many she was the victim of the attack in multiple ways, if anything she should belong to a group that wholistically acknowledges the importance of those who died on that dreadful day, and she should be part of a group that strives for the peace and harmony of first the nation of america, then the rest of western civilisation, then the rest of the world


“[Untitled],” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 2, 2024,