September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

i was at home sick that day,and that was a blessing because my dad was at the pantagon, my mom was fone to a meeting with my 2 sisters and my brother. the phone rang that moring and it was my dad (he is a comander in the navy)he saked if my mon was there? i said no. then he told me that there was a fire so we had to leave the building so i said ok and hung up. went back to bed an sometime later the phone raing again it was my grandma. She asked if dad was all right an i said yes why there was only a small fire on the other side of the building. she said no turn on the t.v. so i did. an there stood the WTCs gong up in flames and in the back ground was the today show's katie c. i sat there with my hand over my mouth praying to God. then i yurned to good morning america and on the screen was the pentagon. it was going up in smoke. all i could think no, no way. my dad called again and asked if om was home yet i said no. and asked can you see anything? he said no and he had to go. i turened back on the t.v. but this time on mute because my hed was pounding and my hole body aked. my dad called a third time and asked again if mom was home. by then it was about 10:00 am. i turened off the tv and fell asleep. about 2 hours later my mom came in terrofided because she did not know if my dad was all right. i told her he was, hut still neaded yo here his voise for that re-assurence.he did not make it home probely ntial about 10:00 pm that nigh. he could not get home because most everyone rides the metroon and the metro was shut down. it was not untial the next day we herd his story...
he was gng to the bank on rhe other side of the building(where the plaine hit) but he forgot his check he was he was going to cash so he had to fo back to his office.
if he had not fone back to his office he would not be with us today.
it was about 2 or 3 days later we herd that Pat Dunn died in 9/11. he had a wonderful wife that he was married to about a year and a baby 3 months along.
a mounth we found out that we lost our 4 2nd cousins on the plaine that his the pentagon also. there was a mom a dad and 2 kids one was 3 and one was 8 years ild they were goning to Aulstria


“story454.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,