September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

I driving to work and admiring the lovely clear day. After a song played on the radio the announcer said " A small plane hit the world trade and paper can be seen flying all the way to the Brooklyn Bridge". Thye announcer was not overly concerned and there did not appear to be horrible. I astop the car and went into the coffee shop for my usual cup of coffee. When I left the coffe shop a man in the parking lot said "look the world trade center is on fire". I walked over and seen the black smoke coming from the tower. I then realized that this was horrible and people lives were threatned. I got into my car and continued the drive to work and withing seconds a song finished playing on the radio and the announcers were again talking about the fire when suddenly they spoke of a plane coming and sure enough hitting into the second tower. They stated this is no accident this is terrorist. I immediately froze and felt sickened and scared. I called my mother who caring for my two children 2 and 5 and asked her to stay home in the basement to stay safe. I then realized that my husband worked on three blocked from the trade center and became in an absoulote panic. I remained driving to work and went I looked across I seen the two towers on fire. I kept trying to call my husband but could not get through. He called me within minutes and said "I'm okay but you need to stay safe" he said "I need to go to help and I told him to very careful". When I went to work everybody was anxious and scared. I was working as a nurse in the research department and went to the ETD to prepared for caring of the injured patients. I watched on the TV as both towers came down and would look at the skyline in disbelief. I stayed at the ETD until 10pm when we were told that there would not be many injures as most had died. My husband helped at ground zero for 2 days and called me frequently from his friends cell phone to tell me he was okay. Our lives have been touched forever. I will always live in fear of another attack. I find it comforting to so many people falling inn love with the USA all over again.


“story2618.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,