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911DA Story: Story
It was a normal day, in which the students were loudly chatting after class waiting for the school's morning annoucments to come on. The usual theme song was not heard, instead feared driven voices dictated what was on the screen. The class grew silent. Not a word was spoken, only mouth hung open out of dibelief. I remember feeling goosebumps form all over my body. It didn't matter that at that moment, it was thought to be an accident, It was bonechilling and I was scared. The bell rang to signial the move to the next class, yet none of us wanted to leave. As I entered my next class i noticed the T.V. on and change my seat so I could sit closer and listen to everything that was occuring.I learned that the Pentiagon was also hit. The images on the screen were of fire and desperation. Needlesstosay, the second plane hit and we knew it was no longer an acciedent. My theacher was in and out of the class room in an attempt to contact relatives she had in New York over her cell phone. The lines were all occupied and all she recived was a beeping sound on the other end. The principal came over the P.A. and instructed that the class would be extended until he notified other wise. I turned my attention back to the news and learned that there was still a plane unaccounted for. That stired even more fear in me. What if the other plane were on its way here? What about if it struck our Downtown where most of our business are located and the community colledge my boyfreind attends. The images on the screen became all too close. All flights were grounded. After 2 hours in the class i asked the theacher permission to go to the restroom. My highschool is partially open, and on my way to the restroom i had to walk over the roofless balcony that leads to it. The skies were baron of any activity and the streets were quiet. This was awkward because we are so close to the airport that we grew acustomed to the roar of the passing jets. To hear nothing was terrifying. Yet, I recall looking up at the sky in search of any air born object flying over Miami. I was terrified that I would witness the missing plane. The entire day was spent in disbelif in what was occuring in OUR America. As we passed from class to class I took my position closeist to the T.V. During the last class of the day with 30 minutes remaining of school, the principal came on the P.A. and announced that by orders from the School board, theachers were to turn off all t.v.. We all booed, turned off the t.v., and turned on the computer for the latest news. I read out loud to my class what was occuring. I recall trying to hold my tears back, but I don't know if I was Sucessful. I witness many other sheading tears of grief. That was a day that shook the world!
“story6152.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,