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911DA Story: Story
When I woke up in the morning of September 11th, I had no clue of what was going on so I went on with my daily morning schedule before school started. Then I arrived at school and I reported to my first period class and my teacher was watching the news. At first when I saw the planes hit the building I thought it was a movie because id did not seem real to me. I just could not believe what I was saying. It was just to hard to believe and then I began to cry as I was watching the World Trade Centers get hit. I began to cry constantly as they showed people jumping out of the building. I felt sorry for those who were in the World Trade Centers. Then when they showed the World Trade Centers fall, I began to shake and then I became frozen. I just didn't believe that people would actually do such a thing to hurt innocent people. I saw people running on the streets and people looking for those people who they lost as they ran. This was such a sad thing to me. Then our principle walked in the class and told us to turn off the TV and so we did. After watching that I just could not concentrate on my schoolwork. I was thinking about what was going to happen and if my mom, dad, grandmother, and everyone else in my family were ok. I was thinking about the innocent people who got killed in the World Trade Centers, the public planes, and those who got injured in the Pentagon. Later on in the day I was watching the news and seeing what all happened. I was also watching people in the interviews who witnessed the attack. Then I remember seeing a mom, a brother, a wife, a child, and a father who were looking for their loved one and I began to pray fo them and pray that they found them and I prayed for those who we lost. I remember thinking that we have not lost anyone on this day, we have just gained more angels. I will never, in my life, forget this day. The bad guys thought that they could change our pride and dignity but they didn't, they made us have even more pride and more dignity and they made us even more proud to be Americans'. I love this country and I pray for the hurt families who lost loved ones. God Bless America. Today is September 11, 2002.
“story3569.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,