RE: [MAPC-coord] cc mission for approval, gm agenda
RE: [MAPC-coord] cc mission for approval, gm agenda
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September 11 Email: Body
Good ideas, but I think too difficult to organize for this meeting, given
the packed agenda and potential discussion of CD on Nov 17th. See X's email. I think we need to go with what we decided this time around.
-----Original Message-----
From: X
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 3:56 AM
Subject: Re: [MAPC-coord] cc mission for approval, gm agenda
On Sun, 11 Nov 2001 20:37:50 -0600 "X" wrote:
> Here is the CC mission, combining X original plus what we
looks great to me.
> Here is the agenda:
> 4) Announcements
> 5) Optional - Video
i thought more about the idea of having people who want to work on the
brochure get together for a little bit after the gm. i started
thinking about all the other tasks we try to coordinate, particularly
things that have a lot of overlap between the different committees. i
was also thinking about the need to make the general meetings more
productive and worth while for people to come to, since some people
have stopped coming because of their experience with long meetings
that didn't accomplish a whole lot. i think that's gotten much
better, but our gms still have a reputation which we need to take big,
tangible steps towards overcoming.
i propose that at the end of the gm we have people split up into
working groups to accomplish specific things that need to be
organized. we could have our own proposals as the cc and/or during
the meeting, anyone could suggest other topics. my proposals for this
1) working on the brochure
- already discussed as a good idea
2) coordinating putting up posters
- has lots of overlap between o/e, communications, volunteers, etc;
it really needs to happen, particularly this week with so many
events coming up soon...
3) coordinating the production of posters
- has lots of overlap between o/e, arts, communications, action,
media, etc; there are people not in any committee who are good at
this who want to help us; it'd be good if there was some more
consistancy to our publicity (all posters include the mapc logo
and, a .pdf version of all of our posters should
be posted on the web so anyone can download, print, copy, and hang
them, etc); it's a lot of work, and it'd be good if there was a
pool of people who could do it and each committee didn't have to
find volunteers themselves; etc...
4) inital steps towards forming a labor caucus
- see how many union folks are in the room and if they're interested
in starting to work towards forming a caucus
in addition, we could use one of these working groups to coordinate
details of a specific event. since we have less and less time in the
cc meetings to hash out lots of details, it might be good to have
people from different committees meet to coordinate some of the
details themselves, and get people right there who agree to take care
of certain tasks. the people from these groups who could then be the
liasons between committees for the planning of the given event. this
way, things like "who's going to pick up the art props for our demo on
the 17th planned by action?" can be taken care of without using up
time in a cc meeting.
this is a direct way to involve volunteers from the meeting in the
work of the coalition without them having to join a committee or
caucus. it drastically cuts down on the time between when a new
person comes to a mapc meeting and when they can start to be involved
in the coalition's work. it would help the committees get their work
accomplished. i hope it would also start to break down the mentality
of "committee turf" which i see as developing into a minor problem
(all the concern over "who's responsibility is this task, committee X
or committee Y?").
for this week, if there's still work that needs to be done that we
don't have (enough) people working on, we could have groups to
coordinate that work for:
- the fast
- the teach-in on thursday
- the peace parade on the 17th
- the dance party at the cardinal
- the school supply event on the 30th
- the art auction
for each of our propoals, it would be best to find a coordinator or
facilitator ahead of time so at the end of the meeting, we could have
them stand up, announce their location, and have folks who are
interested in working on that go to their part of the room. if folks
proposed something during the meeting, they could be the default
facilitator, or the chairs could make sure someone volunteers to do it
when the group is splitting up.
my apologies for not thinking of all of this before/during our meeting
since it would have been easier to discuss in person than over email.
do y'all think this is worth trying? if so, let's put it on the
agenda as item #6 (or 5, if the video isn't happening):
6) Break up into working groups
- working on mapc brochure (X/X)
- forming labor caucus (X)
- poster distribution (X/X)
- poster production (?)
these are just ideas for facilitators (X + X were talking
about the brochure at the cc meeting, X and X are mentioned in
the e/o report...) any volunteers for the others? do folks think we
need one for any of the events i listed above?
what'd y'all think?
In solidarity,
International Socialist Organization (
United Faculty and Academic Staff, AFT Local 223 (
September 11 Email: Date
Monday, November 12, 2001 8:04 PM
September 11 Email: Subject
RE: [MAPC-coord] cc mission for approval, gm agenda
“RE: [MAPC-coord] cc mission for approval, gm agenda,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed December 29, 2024,