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911DA Story: Story
That September morning, I had gone to work, and was already having a bad day. About a quarter to eight in the morning one of my regular customers can running and screaming into my Dry Cleaning store, "Turn on the television! Don't you have a television in here? Turn on your radio! There was a plane that just crashed into the World Trade Center in New York!" He was so frantic that he scared me! I was so devistated by the news he was telling me, and I was so unsure of what to think. I knew it was for real! I then turned on the television, after he left, and I watched in amazement, to my eyes. I couldn't believe that this was actually happening! I had never been to the East Coast before, but I had always wanted to go there. Later on that day as I was watching the news coverage, I started to cry; uncontrolably. I wasn't sure why I was crying, but I knew that I felt bad for all of those familes out there, with loved ones that were at work, or even on that, well then, those airplanes. Later on during the next year, in March I won a trip to Atlantic City in March to see one of my favorite country-western singers, Alan Jackson. It was a great trip, but also a scary trip for me, considering it was to the East Coast, around the 6th month anniversary of the terriost attacks, and I had never flown before. I met alot of people in Philadelphia, and made friends. Over Memorial Day weekend, my sister and I decieded to drive to Philadelphia to see friends. We were also hoping to go to Ground Zero, both times, but unfortunetly time did not permit. So we made plans to go back out to Philadelphia in August, so we did go in August. In August we were able to go to New York and see Ground Zero. I walked all around the site and took tons of pictures, and bought souvieners. I had a hard time walking around and seeing the sites without sheding a tear. It was so hard to see all that with out crying, it was so unbelievable, and so breathe taking! I am really happy that I was able to see Ground Zero up close and in person. It is so different than on television! The sites and pictures that I saw and took, still wonder around my mind, and it is still hard for me to cope with what I saw and experienced on my last trip to New York. I can only imagine what those people who experienced it first hand, see and think and cope and deal with everyday of their life. I know how hard it is for me to deal with, that I can only imagine how hard it is for them. The only other thing I have to say or write is GOD BLESS everyone in the United States, and our Military and Army!!
GOD BLESS everyone!!!!!!
~Teresa McGuire 21 years of age now.
I was only 20 when the attacks happened.
GOD BLESS everyone!!!!!!
~Teresa McGuire 21 years of age now.
I was only 20 when the attacks happened.
“story4605.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,