September 11 Digital Archive

[MAPC-coord] arts and culture event


[MAPC-coord] arts and culture event



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September 11 Email: Body

Hello, all in coordination.  Great stuff you've all been sending regarding what's going on for this week, and in general.  Exciting. 

We are going forth with the November 30th event, and I'm going to bring each committee a "to-do" item, or a few, at the meeting on Sunday.  For now, I wanted to get you a quick outline of our plan so that you have something to print or distribute on the event, so your people know what they're doing these tasks for.  Attached is the "rough" flyer we're distributing.  We will be developing a nicer one when more of the acts, etc, are firmed up.

Here is the basic plan for the event:

--set up from 5-6 at Lapham Elementary School, East Dayton Street. (1045, I believe.)

--Event from 6-9.  We are targeting families and "mainstream." the name of the event is "People for People, People for Peace."

--Main focus on the event is the gathering of items and assembly of kits for refugees fleeing Afghanistan.  We are encouraging the donation of blankets, cash, and of school supplies for the "school kit" that the MCC distributes to refugee camps.

--We will have live acoustic musical entertainment, and some kids acts --TBA.

--We will have free refreshments, donated.

--We will have booths with information and petitions, buttons for sale, canvasing materials, visuals on the refugees who we're helping.  (This is where most of your committees come in -- more info at the meeting)

--We will have mural painting, on canvas.  Any ideas for where we could display the mural after it's done?

--We will have the assembly and decoration of kit bags going on for kids to pitch in on, to engage them in helping the refugees.  We will put the school kit donated items inside...

--From 9-10:30 or so, we will have break-down and delivery of goods to a local group who will be sending items to MCC in Indiana later that week.

That's the overview.  Look forward to seeing you Sunday.


You Can Help Stop Terrorism Before It Starts!

Terrorism is a tactic of desperate people. The Taliban was born and bred in the miserable refugee camps of Pakistan. Today 2 million more Afghanis are expected to join these camps and others like them in Iran. Will they too live for years in poverty, lacking food, shelter, medical care, schooling and hope? Will they become recruits for terrorism?

Please join the Madison Area Peace Coalition for their holiday season
People for People, People for Peace Event
a celebration of giving,
Friday, November 30, 2001, 6-9 p.m.
Lapham Elementary School

Come enjoy entertainment, refreshments, and the good spirits of giving people!
Bring the whole family! Lots of fun stuff and important learning opportunities for kids!

This event is free just bring your donations for the refugees in desperate need. We are gathering the following items to be sent to the Mennonite Central Committee, a well-respected charity that has been distributing to refugee camps for over eighty years.
Clean Blankets
Money donations, checks written to the Mennonite Central Committee
Supplies for school kits for refugee children:
#2 pencils
crayons or colored pencils
spiral notebooks, letter size
plastic rulers

A Better Kind of Holiday Shopping!
Give the Gift of Crucial Help to Desperate Refugees.

Since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, do you find yourself feeling less enthusiastic about buying and receiving holiday gifts? Does watching the plight of Afghani refugees make you want to share our relative wealth with the millions of people there who are in danger of freezing and starving to death? Come join us for this celebration of giving and help these people who are in such need.

September 11 Email: Date

Saturday, November 10, 2001 6:24 AM

September 11 Email: Subject

[MAPC-coord] arts and culture event


“[MAPC-coord] arts and culture event,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 23, 2025,