RE: [MAPC-policy] revised city resolution
RE: [MAPC-policy] revised city resolution
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September 11 Email: Body
How about if we have the resolution brought up at the general mtg on Tues,
10/30/? The draft should be done by then. :) Can Policy meet at 6pm before
the mtg like last time? It would be useful to be able to use that time.
-----Original Message-----
From: X
[mailto:X]On Behalf Of X
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 9:06 AM
To: X
Subject: Re: [MAPC-policy] revised city resolution
Beautiful! Thanks for your work on this, X. The "Madison now
participates directly and indirectly in U.S. military efforts" is a good way
to change the wording to state why Madison has the right to comment on these
matters, while not expressing support or acceptance for the bombing. One
more suggestion, below.
I apologize if this conversation happened at our last meeting (which I
missed) but have we discussed at all what sort of changes we'd support and
which ones we wouldn't? For myself, I think it's important that we insist
that no language supporting the bombing be added. There's other
possibilities we should think of as well, though they'll likely come up in
our conversations with alders.
Also, when we all agree on the wording, we should give this a run by the
whole MAPC, with an intro on why we feel the humanitarian angle is the best
and most productive one to take with the City Council. I'm expecting we'll
hear some disappointment from people who want us to push a politically
unviable stop the bombing resolution. But maybe I'm wrong on that (it's
happened once or twice before, you know).
> Dear Policy Committee,
> Due to my own error, I have so far failed utterly at getting myself on
> the policy e-mail list. However, 30 minutes ago I discovered the list
> archive on the web site, and now I am up-to-date!
> Thank you for your comments! Wonderful!
> I incorporated your suggestions. More edits may be in order--feel free
> to suggest more edits.
> After one more round, perhaps we can bring it around to alders--I'll
> wait for the policy committee's OK.
> Below is the current draft. Send me further suggestions for changes.
> Best Regards,
> X
> =================================================================
> A RESOLUTION regarding the urgent need to provide emergency humanitarian
> assistance and development assistance to civilians in Afghanistan,
> Afghan refugees in surrounding countries.
> SPONSORS: [Alders names here.]
> WHEREAS, a disastrous humanitarian crisis is underway, with an
> million people in Afghanistan facing critical food shortage or outright
> starvation this winter; and
> WHEREAS, 70 percent of these people are women and children, and the UN
> estimates 400,000 children under five will likely die this year, an
> of over 30 percent from last year; and
> WHEREAS, food aid shipments have been disrupted due to security
> around U.S. military actions in Afghanistan; and
> WHEREAS, the aid agencies active in the region, including the Nobel
> Doctors Without Borders (MSF), Oxfam International and the World Food
> Program have stated that the U.S. food
> drops can not meet the increasing and urgent need for assistance; and
> WHEREAS, Madison now participates directly and indirectly in U.S.
> efforts through many channels, including the federal taxes its citizens
> and through its citizens' participation in the armed forces; and
> WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council are appalled at the mass
> that will result from these actions to which they are a party if the
> situation is not speedily addressed, and also appalled at the dishonor
> an outcome would be for the victims of the terrorist attacks of September
> 11th;
> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Mayor and Common Council urge a
> resolution to the situation that minimizes loss of life; and
> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT humanitarian concerns must now be a top
> for U.S. policy toward Afghanistan, especially as there exists a narrow
> window of opportunity for supplying food to the region's population before
> winter makes this difficult or impossible; and
> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Afghanistan's neighbors should immediately
> reopen their borders to allow for the safe passage of refugees, and the
> international community must be prepared to contribute to the economic
> incurred by the flight of desperate Afghan civilians; and
* in the previous clause, I would change to "...and the U.S. and other
members of the international community must be prepared..."
Let's make the obligation of the U.S. explicit (bastards, you caused the
> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the United States must actively support the
> of various agencies to deliver assistance in Afghanistan, particularly
> through overland truck convoys, and support safe humanitarian access to
> affected populations, in partnership with humanitarian agencies in
> quantities sufficient to alleviate a large scale humanitarian catastrophe;
> and
> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the United States should contribute to efforts
> by the international community to provide long-term, sustainable
> reconstruction and development assistance for the people of Afghanistan,
> including efforts to protect the basic human rights of women and children;
> and
> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the United States should support democratic
> processes in Afghanistan leading to a government which represents all its
> people, including women.
September 11 Email: Date
Friday, October 26, 2001 11:30 AM
September 11 Email: Subject
RE: [MAPC-policy] revised city resolution
“RE: [MAPC-policy] revised city resolution,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 18, 2025,