September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

My name is Amber, when the events of September 11 happened I was in school at the time. I remember every small detail of that day. I woke up at 6:30 like it was any other day, and my mother and sister were already downstairs getting ready for the day. My sister was getting her and her son ready, her for work, and him for school. My mom was making lunches and getting the day rolling. When I came downstairs cartoons were one like they always where. I never paid attention to them until that morning. I thought it was odd that the cartoon was about the revolution. It was the one where the guy rides around on his horse screaming ?The British are coming!? Now that I think about it, that was like an eerie warning about the events that were going to transpire that day.

I was finally ready, I kissed my nephew goodbye and headed to the car to go to school. The day seemed to drag on as does for any high school student. Fourth period came, and it was time for US American History I. Now our teacher for this class is a jokester, you really have to listen to him to hear if hes telling the truth or not. Well, our class first got the news from him. He told us that a plane has crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Not taking him serious we brushed it off because he simply went on with his lesson. At most I first thought a private charter plane if anything. Never did I think of the situation as it was.

Class went on, then the bell rang, and it was off to French. When we walked in the classroom, our French teacher was watching CNN. She quickly turned off the TV when she saw us. When she turned around she had tears in her eyes. By this time, the second plane had hit the South Tower. Our principal had come into our class to come and talk to us, and he filled us in on what was going on so far and said we shouldn?t worry we were safe. Next period I had lunch, and many of the seniors I remember walked out and just went home, I still wasn?t taking it completely serious, I guess I just didn?t want to believe what was going on, I was in shock so much so that I was in denial for the time being. At this time so many students names were being called there were only about 40 kids left in the cafeteria. When my name was called I didn?t know what to expect when I walked into the office. That?s when I saw my mother standing there crying, and all she told me was ?Get Donovan!? He is my 5 year old nephew at that time and his school was only a block away from my highschool so I ran, and I went to his class room, and I said I want him now, I never grabbed his backpack or his jacket I just took him and left.

As we were leaving, we passed the lounge where they had a big screen TV and it was on CNN. I remember seeing the horrific scenes for the first time. I just couldn?t believe it I was frozen, until I felt my nephew tug at me for me to pick him up. When I did he looked me in the eyes and said ?Amber do we have to watch this movie, I don?t like it that much, too many people are hurt and upset, lets change it.? I remember breaking down at that moment and just running with him in my arms back to the high school.

When we got home, I went in my house and watched the coverage for I think about five minutes then I left the house. I live by the water and down the street from my house you get a clear view of the NYC skyline, I had to go see for myself what it looked like. I just remember siting down there on what is dubbed ?the wall? and looking at NYC, and crying, not just for the lives that were lost, but for the nation because its not only the people in NYC we lost, we lost mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, sons, and daughter from all over. Innocent people that didn?t do anything were killed or lives were forever altered. The brave firemen and police officers that risked their lives to save those of strangers. Then now the brave soldiers that are fighting to keep this country the land of the free. Its for them that I weep, they make this country worth fighting for, and make me feel proud to call myself an American. The events of September 11 have forever impacted my life, and I will never forget that day, and the number of American lives that were lost. I may not have known people personally, but as an American, as a person, I lost then as well.


“story10295.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,