September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

My daughter called me up and asked me to drive her to work that morning.
We were talking the whole way to her job down town,so the radio in the car was off.
After I dropped her off,I turned on the radio. The report was that a small plane had hit one of the WT towers.
I thought this was sad and that some people had been hurt or injured and all will be ok in time.
I was trying to remember ten years ago when I visited the WTC and the beauty of the buildings, the size of the buildings,our time visitng the Center. We came in from Brooklyn via the subway.
It was so unreal there compared to where I live in Nebraska.
I rushed home to watch TV.
I was watching the smoke billow out of the side of the tower.My first thought was, this was NOT a small plane at all that hit.
Then in slow motion, listening to the anchorpeople on the news talk, this other jetliner went right into the other tower.
I saw this, heard the news people gasp,at the same time I did. My stomach turned over and I blacked out. I came too, trying to get my bearings and I listened carefully..yes it was true what I saw.
Then fear ,thousands of screams in my heart, my mind...OH DEAR was voices of those thinking of their loved ones, telling them how much they loved them, wishing they could just hold them tightly one more time......then silenced by the falling building, again silenced by the 2nd falling building.
How could it be? These were giants, taken down..but how?
The people with their trusting that all will be human standards, But they were taken care of by G-d's standards.
They will be prayers had to go to those left behind..that they will find peace and comfort.
Prayers for those who kept up the search and rescue.
In time, we will understand this.
What will be born of this has yet to be understood by us.
May G-d continue to bless us all!


“story6339.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,